Best friends chapter 1

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This is a story of my life, when my life was    
     lit on fire with no reason at all, at least       
                    thats what i thought...

As a 10 year old girl i loved the myths about the country we live in, you know about those four goddesses that are the reason we live on this land, here let me explain.

In 1623, the four goddesses, Emili, Kheyli, Lilli, and Alayna were all sisters and goddesses that happened the be the youngest too, as the youngest their mom, whom we call Elena, and their father Khristos, believed they were going to cause trouble to them and the other gods on Ambrose, so they sent them to earth to live their life down there, as time went on the regular humans discovered the land and took it over, the goddess were horrified when the humans started to ruin their land that was once beautiful turn rotten, they left the land and stopped trying to protect it but the one thing they did protect was the beautiful tree that still stands to this day. As time went on people started to believe less and less in the gods. As of now not everyone celebrated them its very rare too. 

But Im one of the people who still believe, but Im not a big time believer but my grandma was and since I don't know who my mother is and since my father died when I was a child, and since I live with my grandma she taught me about the religion and how to honor the gods so that what I do, for her sake at least.

But my grandma taught me mostly everything about the gods especially the holidays, we celebrate the holidays every year no matter what happens to you, if your sick, broken bone, anything you're still celebrating, my grandma thinks it bad luck not to and she says "you never want to anger the gods Ella" she always says that, Ella is a nickname she calls me since she finds it a lot harder to say Estella, but I  like the nickname Ella so it doesn't bother me.

"Ella!" Ave ran over to me as she yelled out to me "My mom said we could celebrate Souls fest together this year!" she smiled at me, her smiled was always as beautiful as her, which she was so beautiful, anyways, getting to find someone who shares a religion with you is crazy but getting to celebrate it together is a lot more crazier because many people say its more luck to celebrate the holidays with family. 

All Soul Fest, All Soul Fest is a holiday for the living and the dead, which last two days but the second day is called The Full moon festival, because after you celebrated the life and the dead, the dead has to go home, so the moon shines the brightest that night to lead the dead where to go. 

"really!? thats awesome!" I smiled, with my grandma the holidays are so boring because shes really traditional and she fully believes that back in the 1600's the goddess actually used to live in the same country as us, but sometimes I doubt it. Like o doubt what I believe in.

                 The day of the soul festival

The drive with my grandma and Ave was boring because Ave was super close with my grandma so she preferred not to talk that much when she's around which i don't blame her my grandma can get triggered over the littlest things ever.

While in the car I noticed my grandma seemed a bit nervous and so did Ave so I tired to lighten up the mood, "sooo what are we doing at the soul fest this time, grandma?" I asked to try and change the mood "oh it's going to be different, a lot different than last year, honey" she replied and I shrugged it off thinking she maybe wants to change it up a little.

At the festival grandma let us wonder off since we're be together and she trusted we'll be safe.

While Ave and I were walking she still seemed off, "you good? you been seeming off the whole time we been together" I asked her "Yeah.." it was a short reply, it felt like it wasn't her because usually she's always talkative but now shes..just quiet?

" you have a crush yet?" I heard Ave asked me "well I think I like Jace" I answered, "his kinda of cute, but Sam is cuter" she chuckled at me, and i shook my head "eww nooo, he so ugly and when he plays football he looks funny" I told her
as we both laughed.

As the night went on it was obviously she got less tense and we kept the conversation flowing and I was a lot more happier when she went back to her normal self.

"Estella..theres, there's something I need to tell you" Ave said and I knew something was wrong because she never called me by my first name, she knew i prefer my nickname because of my grandma calling me Ella, "uhm is everything okay?" i asked her, "well-"  Ave got cut off "Girls come on were leaving!" my grandma called out.

We all went to the car and it seemed like something was going on between my grandma and Ave because they seemed like they had something to tell me.

In the car I finally got the courage to ask "are you guys like hiding something from me or something?" I finally said, My grandma turned to look at Ave and nodded "Its a lot to explain right now we should get you to camp Ambrose" Ave spoke up "Ambrose!? Camp!? what are you guys talking about!?" I said as confused as i could be "just wait".

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