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This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Business, Places, Events, Locals and Incidents are either the product of author's imagination or used to a fictious manner.

Any ressemblanced to actual person, living or dead and actual events are purely coincidental.

This story is unedited. It contains typographical errors, grammatical errors and wrong spellings.

Cover is not mine. The photo used in this story is credited to their rightful owners and used for entertainment purpores only. No copyright infringement intended.


Winona Dei Mendoza

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Winona Dei Mendoza

wi-no-na dey men-do-za

Anelie Hikari Villegasa-ne-li hi-ka-ri vi-lye-gas

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Anelie Hikari Villegas
a-ne-li hi-ka-ri vi-lye-gas

Anelie Hikari Villegasa-ne-li hi-ka-ri vi-lye-gas

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Grayson Takahashi
grey-son ta-ka-ha-shi

BKS #1 (Dream)

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