Chapter 6

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"Guys!" Chloe and Red turned around and Red said, "Where were you? We just learned that Uliana was the one who made my mom well mom." Raegan sat down on a chair and said, "I was pulled to the side by one of the villain kids. But wait hold on, you said Uliana? Isn't she principal Uma's aunt then? Since Bridget said that Uliana was Ursula's younger sister." Chloe and Red's eyes widened but Chloe said, "Wait you said that you were pulled away by one of the VK's?" Raegan nodded. "What do you mean by that?" Red asked, sitting beside Raegan as Raegan pushed her hand through her hair and said, "It was Morgie that serpent boy. He pulled me to the side and said something on the lines like I was his soul mate and the reason I'm here is to be with him. Which doesn't make sense because I am happy back at home." Chloe looked at Raegan then said, "We just have to figure out why or how Uliana is going to do the prank at castlecoming." Red then looked at Chloe and said, "First we have to figure out what she is planning." Raegan then thought of something. "Maybe I could talk to that boy and see more of what Uliana is like." But they weren't listening to her. Then she realized that this also happened back at home when Zellie was at home."

She left the two girls to find her way to find Morgie Le Fey. Maybe she could help the girls by talking with the VK's. She looked around the campus and then heard some voices to her right. She hid behind a pillar and saw the VK's talking and one voice popped out to her. "Maybe we could get her on our side. Give her a villain name." Another voice appeared and said, "How would you give another name to her. She isn't even a villain." A British accent happened and said, "Well, Rapunzel doesn't have a villain in her story. So maybe we can give Rapunzel a villain." "NO!" The group jumped and said, "Why not." The voice said, "She's the daughter of Rapunzel. Her and those two other girls are from the past." The British voice then said, "But the only princess that doesn't have a villain is Rapunzel." Raegan thought for a moment and said to herself, "Their right. Mom doesn't have a villain. But that story book with the lady's named Mother Gothel. That's brilliant." She stepped out from behind the pillar making them all step back.

"Sneaky, I'm guessing you heard everything?" Uliana said. Raegan nodded. "I have a villain name in mind. Growing up my mother and father focused on Zellie, my older sister. So, I am willing to be a villain. The name will be Mother Gothel and if I cut my hair all my magic will disappeared." They all smirked and Uliana raised her hand to Raegan who shook it. "So, you wanna be a villain?" Morgie walked up to the girl. "Why not." Morgie walked up and stood in front of the girl and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. She gasped slightly with being close to him and he closed the gap between them and kissed her making her eyes widened as Hook cheered for the two.

 She gasped slightly with being close to him and he closed the gap between them and kissed her making her eyes widened as Hook cheered for the two

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