I dare u too

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💚 Rayan 💚
So I'm chilling with the guys and it's dark and stormy. So I came up with a idea he so if it's night time and it kinda looks like it's bout to rain I want to go to a haunted house. "hecks naw" said prince. Well I'm going wbu roc and prod. I'm not going to said prod. "Okay" roc and I walk outside and head to the so called scary house. "I dare y'all to spend the night there prince yells" we take the dare cause we never back down froma dare 😏

😪 Emma 😪

It's been years they say ghost r not real. Jst so little kids won't be scared but truth be told their real only if they have un finish business. Well I do when I get out of bed as a ghost no not a ghost a spirt. I see my dead body I can't believe I was shot. But most important were is Sarah I cry then I hear a knock on the door then they walk in shouting "hello" I jst walk down the stairs and I see a cute guy with two long soft braids. Then another guy with a lil curls and it looks like it's jell down. Then I do the funniest thing ever I use my powers to turn invisible and shut the door they both jump then I go to the extra cute one and lift up his braids he start screaming and his Freind jst heads to the door what his hands up but he could not leave. Ik I'm benign scary but this is funny to me. " yo rayan I can't get out or open the door" "omg roc OMG then he runs upstairs to see my body laying there in the bed he screams the roc goes up there and scream I trail up behind them I make my self viable.
" Hey u cute" said rayan then he panic is that yo body "I nod. I was not looking at roc so I said " u can leave but as for u rayan I want to talk " "okay I will pick u up tomorrow rayan" "oookay he says scared".

I stay her with Emma she want me to do something for her but first she tells her story " Rayan all those story's y'all kids make up r not true u see I was not happy either my bf abusive me he was bout to kill me until he look in his child eyes and he does not shoot me but when my kid is not there he shoots". I look at her body It looks like he shot her in a cross for god. U r so pretty "ik but I need u to do something for me or u will die" okay but y will I die " because I will kill u I want to be friends but u need to find my daughter and my Freind first" okay. She gives me directions to her abusive bf house.

🚬💊 AUSTIN 🚬💊
Here I am over dosing I felt like I was bout to pass out. Then I her a bang on the door I thought it was a Sarah I was really broken when she said she hate me. I open the door to see a dude there. What the he(gco) look I need to no where Diamond is located!

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