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dear michael,

i decided to write these letters not because i wanted you to feel better, and definitely not because i missed you.

because i don't miss you.

i actually wish i never met you. it would've saved me from all the heartache, and all the times you made me so happy i could cry, only to leave. i hate that you made me feel important. and i hate that you'll always make me feel important even when i know you didn't mean any of it

i hate you michael clifford.

i hate you so much it kills me. i hate everything about you, but that would take too long to list.

so, michael clifford, these are the seven things i hate about you.

lots of hate,



yayyyy first chapter, well it's the prologue but still!

what do you guys think of this so far???

until next time <3


7 things ✦ michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now