High school (everyones happiness. my nightmare)

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okay how do we start...hold up let me take my pen. got it here we go!

what is highschool? well people sneaking out, having sexs, dressing up as total sluts for halloween, and whats most important thing of it was to be popular. and here we go with jessica as example shes all of it. an slut, a bitch, have bodycount over 20 yeah more then 20 digusting c-

imagine if i just say it to her face yeah i dont got the courage to. i mean look at me damn well im jealous! her two boyfriends is gonna beat my face off and my glasses are expensive hello!.

yeah im megan well lets just say i dont fit for the highschool life. see im totally different all i do is book worm all day. no not by reading romantic books but actually studying. my both parents are strict and abusive god i wish i had parents like jessica whos easy going unlike mine who beat me up until i faint if i get 99 in exam... i mean life isnt fair right. and if ur wondering yes i do get bullied why wouldnt i? im an total loser with no friends whos daydreaming of chad where jessica is dating. ugh fuck it! anyways lets just go to school...im just gonna wear an hoodie which covers my ugly face and some black pants...

i put on my glasses and took my bag as i head downstairs...where everything ruin like everyday my drunk father beating my mom up "dad!!" i shouted in an begging voice for him to free my mom i couldnt just stand there seeing him beat my mom. i mean i know shes evil but thats still my mom. *i ran to him pushing him away* i shouldnt have done that... "you little bitch how dare you push me away"my dad spoke.  i panicked knowing im done but i didnt care i wanted to free my mom. as she ran away to lock herself in the room spitting her bleed out. "stop it dad! please why cant u just stop drinking" i begged. "SHUT UP BITCH you dont know what ur talking about" he spoke i could smell his breathe mixed with beer and vape. "YES I DO. I DO KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!" i yelled but before i could react he took the beer bottle and aimed to my head...then i died.

. well not really thankfully i doged it as i ran out of the door before he could catch me. as i ran ran i didnt stop while i was at the roads and he chased me middle of the road i ran but while he was behind me an car came speeding up and hit him. i looked back suprised and shocked but i hated him i hated him for life. people on the road came gathering to help him as i ran to school. 

time skipped and it was my first period i took an seat on the corner feeling misreable i mean how could i leave my father like that. i bit into my nails and suddenly someone threw an ball right to my head i quickly felt the pain and covered my head as i turned back and it was. wait i cant see i took my glasses quickly and put them on. shit it was my bully leo. i put on my hoodie hoping he wont come after me as he spoke "hey loser give me some money before i beat u up until u faint and cant breathe" it may seem like its not scary but its leo the most feared person in the school why wouldnt anyone be scared he only targeted me..."i-" i couldnt speak i was breathless i was scared and was shaking as i could hear the whole class laughing. "sure.." as i give him the last money i had for lunch...great now im gonna be starving. leo laughed as he hit my head and went off with the money while me on the other hide myself in my hoodie. days went off as leo's bullying went worse it didnt go with money now it went by physical how you may ask? well one day leo came up to me asking.

LEO: hey loser gimme me sum money. before i b-

megan: oh shut it you slut i wont gi-

yeah u dont wanna know the rest trust me. i could say he didnt care if i was an girl and beated the shit out of me and i came home with an bleeding nose and an high eyes i just told my mother i slammed myself in an tree...

days went off as the bullying went crazy my mother started noticing and she begged me to tell her as i burst down in tears while telling about my bully leo

mom: that son of an bitch! come on megan we are going to the principal.

WAIT WHAT! did i just hear it right.

megan: mom no no please

 we ended up in the principal office anyways. i was stressing out i was sweaty my legs were shaking i just hoped leo and his father couldnt make it for this meeting. as my mom explains everything to the principal. an door opened my eyes widen as i saw leo's father and leo entering the room as i quickly look down. SHIT SHIT THIS IS ABOUT TO GET CRAZY! 

later later my mother and leo's father started arguing as leo kept silent i could feel his angry glance looking at me as i pretend i didnt even notice him glancing at me. 

mom: ur son is being an bully to my daughter look how many brusies she has!

leo's father lets call him mr adam: i do not give an single shits i will call my lawyer.

seriously an lawyer? yeah i couldnt say anything neither my mom because mr adam was an mafia leader and one of the most richest man in our country.

the meeting ended and the principal was on mr adams side i mean could i blame him hes an mafia leader. and i had to be the one who has to move school. My mother was furious and angry but i ended up moving school anyways thankfully i could start an new journey.

in my new school i started being my nerdy self but got more intracted with people. i made friends went on prom with an cute guy and i took off my glasses. and no i wasnt popular still but an normal life.


wait not done yet is it? shit highschool is doneeee lets go. job? job!? kids? marriage. im 25??! 

PART 2 >>>>>>

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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