Different Types of Supernatural Species - Different Types of Witches Part 3:

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Non-born Witches:

~Powers and Abilities~

According to Bobby Singer, the power of a witch is not only dependent on the source of their magic, but also on their knowledge and training in witchcraft, and Rowena strongly implies there are differences of power among them, as she claims witches of sisters Plum's level would not be able to make good use of Black Grimoire in its totality.[6] For example, whereas novice witches may struggle to defend themselves from human attackers (i.e. the Book Club was easily intimidated by Sam Winchester who threatened to shoot the women if they didn't stop the hex that was placed on his brother), more experienced witches have been known to overpower some of the most powerful creatures in existence (i.e. Don Stark nonchalantly stunned a leviathan whereas Rowena MacLeod has immobilized the archangel Lucifer). By joining together, witches can increase their magical strength, as seen when Rowena used the power of five witches to attack Amara.

Spell Casting: The power to change and control events through the use of incantations and/or ritualistic gestures. Witches can access various supernatural powers via spells such as.

Astral Projection: The power to separate from one's body and project the spirit to another location.

Chronokinesis: Rowena mentioned going back in time using a spell from the Book of the Damned.

Conjuration: Spells that magically create objects seemingly out of nothingness. Such spells can be used to conjure various objects (e.g. maggots, blood, needles, razors, or even hearts), through a hex.

Elemental Manipulation: The power to control and manipulate the elements of air, earth, fire and water.

Electrokinesis: Some to a degree.

Energy Blasts: James Frampton and Spencer Wallis were able to launch a blast of magical energy at each other.

Healing: Rowena was able to heal the Darkness' vessel. She was also able to cure Oskar of a terminal illness and use a healing spell to close the Rupture to Hell by in effect healing the wound.

Hexing and Cursing: Witches have the ability to hex and curse others. Spells such as these affect an object or person in a negative manner; hexes cause major inconvenience to the target, while curses are truly malevolent acts of magic.

Illusions: The power to alter the senses of others to perceive a false reality.

Immobilization: The power to immobilize a person in place through a spell.

Immortality: Via spells, witches can gain immortality.

Invulnerability: Powerful witches have displayed invulnerability to conventional forms of harm, with one scoffing at the idea of a bullet being used against her and the Plum sisters doing the same.

Longevity: The power to live hundreds, possibly thousands of years while maintaining a youthful, even beautiful appearance.

Mind Control: The power to control and manipulate the behavior and thoughts of others.

Memory Manipulation: The power to take away memories from people and/or place false ones.

Molecular Combustion: Through a spell, Rowena was able to cause three witches to combust into blood and ash.

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