Chapter 3

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In math class Mrs.Peters was teaching,Meg passed Rachel a note and Rachel passed it to Abi and then she passed it to Me. I opened it and read it. Dear Maddie,You are dumb and stupid and have no life. Your a loser with no friends Abi and Rachel Hate you so just go kill yourself. I ripped it in half and looked over at Meg who was whispering to Rachel. I cried. Once I got to my locker after school Abi walked up to me. "Sorry about the note,Maddie please be my frie.... I cut her off. "Just leave me alone Abi" I snapped at her then stomped away. Vicky arrived at my house later. I told her about the note and taped it back together. "We need to call Rachel" Vicky said. "Why?" I asked. "Just give me her number." "Okay fine.567-784-9657" I told her. "OMG Vicky!! Hi!!" Rachel squealed. "Rachel why are you such an idiot!?" Vicky snapped. "Vicky I'm sorry about th... "What the note? Because maybe it was meant to go to you!" Vicky snapped. "Vicky please I'm sorry,I don't even know what it said I'm sorry." "It said that Maddie was a loser and you and Abi hate her and she should kill herself". "OMG I'm so sorry it's just,I wanted to be Meg's friend and so did Abi please I'm sorry!! She cried. Vicky handed me the phone. "I forgive you,but we're only FRIENDS". I told her. "OMG thank you!!" Rachel squealed. "Where are you anyways?" I asked her. "I'm at Abi's house and Meg's here to" she shiveredly said. "Can we come over?" I asked her. "Sure!" "Be over in 10" I told her. "Okay bye". I hung up and told Vicky."let's get ready".

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