Sometimes I feel like a garden,Overrun by vines.They twist around my neck,Thorns digging bone deep.These thorns riddledWith potent poison. Poison that feed me illusions,Waking nightmares in broad daylight.My body is a garden,Overrun by vines.At this point it's no longer a garden,But a jungle of vines,Of chaos,That I find myself stuck in.No matter how hard I try to escapeThey simply pull me back to the center.tightening their grip around my heart,Around my eyes, around my brain.The poison gives me false hope of love,False security, false visions of happiness,Only to tear that hope from my numbing Fingertips. I have these living nightmares So often, I no longer know what's real fromThese fantasies.
Rantings of a mad man
PoetryA collection of poetry written by me, based on my moods throughout the days.