13. lady princess

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It been the third day, I don't know how to pick lock, I had this hairpin, but I'm not a pro lock picker.

Jee, I shouldn't saved him back then, I wanna see Hina, I'm tired of his possessive ass, more like possessed ass.

It was a nice thing feeling like this, being sickly loved by an obsessed lover, but it's hella annoying..

Oh, he came? Too soon.

After the door been opened, you looked at a Mucho, which was weird.

"Ohmm.. hi?"

He nodded, walking inside and closing the door sfter, making you feeling uneasy.

"You shouldn't be here..." you sat up, just to feel safe..

"You feel scared for me?" He smiled.

Boy I'm scared of you and what might he do to us later...

"Just leave" you swatted your hands at him, his smile vanished.

But he came closer, crouching down besides you, picking up your cuffed ankle, "It's red..."

Yeah, ltoday I stupidly tried slipping out of it...

He frownedn fisting his other hand, "he should take care of you" he mumbled and you pretend to be deef.

You're not ready for another obsessed freak.

Hell no.

You ain't stupid, you read it countless times, when some one suddenly show interest, from the opposite sex, then there's obviously some affection.

Ah... so smart y/n

"It hurts.." you mumbled with sad expression, "maybe if you could bring me some ointme--!"

He snapped the chains...

"Let's get those cuffs out now.." he said as he picked you up in his big masculine arms, you felt your heart flatter.

Omg this is so different! I need buffed men holding me more often. Hehehehheh!

He wentto the kitchen, brokethe cuff with some wrench, treated your bruised ankle with ointment and gauze.

"You must be hungry lil beauty" he stated as he walked to the table with you in arm, sitting you on the chair, in front of a pasta plate.

You felt... like princess!

Soo new! sooo different! You don't wanna be a hostage! You wanna be treated like this from now on!!!

Picking up the fork, you twirled it and swept some pasta in your mouth, heaven , it was delicious!

He chuckled, the voice deep and rumbling from behind you, "you like it? I'm flattered, I made it"

Better than what sanzu makes! Guess he learned cooking from Mucho.

You hummed while chewing.

Wouldn't Sanzu start a rampage if he came and saw this?

Seeing his captain have something interesting with his lady?

But you really don't care, he wouldn't hurt you for sure, he wouldn't right?...

Well, also you will get outta here sooner not later, I mean- Hina! College! Life!

You experienced being locked up like a possession, you'll scratch that from your list, it sounds weird but... Well we all have weird dreams.

Aside from that!! You will walk out after eating, would he sto you?

Looking away from your food and to him, you felt chills, was he staring? You can't afford another drama.

"Ahm.. So I ne–!!

" you're small" he cut you shortly, leaning on his cheek on his fist and looking at your eyes, in a thought filled mind.

There was a good two minutes of silence.

There was a soft beeping sound, the door lock, dang, Sanzu came.

You kept eye contact with Mucho, too stiff to move, well half stiff.

Because if They fought, you'd ran away with your life.

But you know that won't happen, they're both calm and collected type of men.


Bags rattling.


"Y/n? "

Ahh that voice! I love itttt, damn why you had to say it like that??

"Sanzu, hello" you smiled and nod, let's not trigger this man...

"So I was wondering when would I g—!!

"What do you think you're doing? Mucho.. " he cut you, instead, his icy gaze are on his captain.

Mucho seems unfazed, like he's dealing with nothing serious, which isn't but for Sanzu.

"You can't lock someone, Sanzu" he crossed his arms.

"She's not someone, she's my queen!"

Ah, oh, shii bro, heheheh

Mucho scoffed and glared at Sanzu, which gave you ideas about nearing fight and an Opportunity to flight.

"Nonetheless, she's a human, Sanzu, maybe I haven't said a thing these few days, but that wouldn't mean it'll be like this forever"

he stood up, walking to sanzu and towering the male,blocking the ceiling light and cast his shadow on Sanzu.

You were panicking. . .

"I don't want anymore problems, either you stop forcing her in one room, or I'll kick both of you outside" he added.

You felt betrayed when you shouldn't even.

And what about the pasta moments we shared?! Damn.

Sanzu gritted his teeth and stopped talking, his mind whirling with whatever his next step is.

"We have extra room, you can take it, y/n" he smiles gently at you, 180° shift.

"Okay... Thanks"

Since I'm free to wander, I'll run at night..

Mucho you weren't one of my fav chara, but now you might be..


Here ya gooooo! XD

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