14. Totally Drama...

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Well, today's plan went to vein...

Even tho Mochu saved you from Sanzu strict grasp, he couldn't save you from his watchful eyes.

You knew your plan failed the moment Sanzu stepped into your -new personal- room when the clock hit 12am.

Since then, he stayed still spooning you from behind, his hot breath tickling your neck, how bad you wanted to kick his ass right now...

He's beautiful yeah, but this is too much!! He didn't even went this far with my-key!!

You of course tried moving when half hour passed, buuut his arms tightened at the slightest shift.

It's been like this the past three days...

At day they'd lock the apartment door, at night Sanzu cuddles you to death.

Oh right, your escape chances decreased after knowing about the pass lock that been installed by Sanzu.

"Fudging PRICK!! " You punched your pillow, screaming in it to muffle your voice.

"What else ha? Cameras??! You do that and I'll finish what mikey started and rip your mouth for once!"

You huffed, screamed and whined, cursing the pink Barbie multiple times until you ran out of breath.

Then this idea poped in your head, using poor Mucho...

"I can say he have a crush on me, pretty simple for this fanfic... Let's hope he won't kill me or turn to Sanz no.2"

• • •

You stepped out of your room, your eyes hella red; cuz you rubbed them hard to give the crying lady vibes..

But, fate seems to hate you. Sanzu was the first one to see you, actually he was standing in front your door, seems like he was going to enter.

Both of you stared wide eyes at each, the boy didn't waste his time and pushed you inside, closing the door behind him.

"What's wrong my baby angel feather? "

Omg please stop with those names!!!

Yes, you nearly chocked and died, shii in real life is a terrifying horror.

You stepped back to make some space, which made him narrow his eyes, "nothing.."

The fuh i should do now?????

He grapped your hand, intertwining your fingers, "baby feather.. "



"What?" He asked, unusually flat cold tone.

Well, might as well make a chaos now, "Sanzu, goodness, that's it, I'm leaving", you'd lie if you said you didn't felt terrified.

This unholy ff...

He was silently looking at you, with those electric blue eyes, not blinking...

" ah.. Dear darling " he said, reaching to cup your cheek, giving you a silent jump scare...

"You must be bored, or maybe hungry?", his other hand pulled you closer to him, flattening you to his body. "Hence why you're upset baby", leaning forward, making you lean back a little in confusion, "am I right?"

Frowning, you pushed away from his hold, looking at him and crossing your arms, "No, stop talking shit", you must be insane.

"I have a life, not including you, no, no, and I need to tell you that, stop acting like a kidnapper, thank you you saved me from green dragons or whateva, but this went too far, cut it out"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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