How we got here

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"Omg Ryo you will not guess what!" I said with a smile on my face I was SO exited. "What is it Minako?" She look at me she was annoyed yet some what anxious to here what I had to say. "Squeeeeeee! Ok so...." I paused. Ryo was staring at me like I was mental or something. She looked at me, then back at and was doing this for at lest 2 minutes.

"What are you staring at Minako?" I was quit, more quit than normal. "Um... nothing" I said. I put a grin on my face. I really hope she didn't notice.
"Minako what is it. I know something is up. I am your twin not stupid." Damn she noticed. She was starting to he upset, almost to the point where she would yell. When Ryo starts to get mad, you do NOT want to see her yell. trust me, not pretty." Fine." I went to the window and shut the curtains. " Minako why are you shutting the curtains we need some light in here. it is dark." "ever herd of a light bulb? Ya all you do is flick the switch and you get lots of light." I expanded to her how to use a light switch. Yup, some times I can be such a smartass.

"Look what is up with you? You are happy one minute annoying spoiled little brat the next! It's not like someone is there!" She walks over to the curtains to open them. I tell her not to but it's to late. she opens them up and... "See nothing is wrong..." I scream. I am terrified by what was there.she looks out the window. "AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shrikes in horror. there was a man staring at us through the window's glass. He is all dark with a hood and something like a rob at our window nose first.

I get a text " I don't thinks its the time to look a text" I say. I am confused and still terrified at the same time. "Open it" Ryo tells me. she likes to be the boss when mom and dad are not home.

It reads:
808 555 9680
Sent at: 3:37
I am here and I always will be but if you don't get this riddle right you will be in a lot of danger Minako.

Do I know you?
You will soon.
Oh don't tell this to anyone other than you twin sister Ryo or else your family will disappear in to thin air.
I hope you under stand...
Your friend...

That's all we have. Great.

To be continued

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