The scariest part

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" Oh great, that's all we have." I complaned. "What dose that even mean?" I continued. "I mean who is this gu-" "Hello? Ryo, Minako? Are you home?" Oh great! Mom is home and I can't tell her about the text."Minako, what do we tell her?" Ryo asked. she was as confused as I was. I could tell. "Nothing. Don't tell her anything. If we are going to keep everyone safe we don't tell." I was firm when I said that. I meant it. " Minako, Ryo what's wrong? You seem... a bit... off.." Mom said. I could tell she was worried. so could Ryo. I could just feel it. we both turned around and just stared and stared and stared until mom eventual asked again. "What's wrong girls?" Ryo and I looked at each other. and back and said at the same time. "nothing mom." "No need to worry" I said. " Ya mom we are ok." Ryo added. " Ok fine girls. I will make some diner ok?" She asked. "Alright mom" Ryo told her. she got the hint and turned around and walked into the kitchen. " I am scared Ryo." I whispered. I didn't want mom to here me talking about... well you know... that. "Maybe we should go upstairs." " Ok. You go I will be up in a sec." I said she ran up the stairs and almost ran into the sharp wall. Ouch! Lol. "Mom we are going upstairs, ok?" "Ok darling call you when diner is ready." I ran upstairs "Ryo, I am as confused as you. I-I I'm scared." I told her the very words I didn't want to admit. "Look, Minako, we'll de fi-" She was interrupted. Di-Ding my phone when off. I wanted to look but I couldn't. I finally checked it. It reads:
808 555 9680
Sent at 4:57
Hello Minako and Ryo. Just so you know there are others that have the same message as you. oh by the way good job on lying to your mom. impressive. It's to bad you won't see your dad tonight. He won't be home tonight. hope you understand...
Your friend....

"I got another one Ryo" I said. "Really show me." I went over to her and showed her the text I got. "What dose it mean not see dad tonight?" She asked. " I don't know. All I do know is that I can't lie for a very long time. You know that." I said. I am really worried." Ya I know and so dose he..." She was worried. Really, worried. "DINER!!!" Mom yelled at the top of her lungs. "COMING!!!" We both screamed at the top of our lung (as well) we sped down stairs and zoomed into the dining room were the food is.It was awesome, noodles with shrimp and sauce Yum, my fav. During diner Ryo looked at me and was thinking about dad. I looked at her and it was like we had red each other minds. So I spook up and said...
" Hey mom, we're is dad?" She answered what we both thought... " I don't know, he should be here by now." just as we thought, and the answer was not what we wanted to here. That means... they are true. the texts are true.

After dinner we went upstairs and got ready for bed and then.... Actually went to bed. you would think we wouldn't sleep but we did. int the morning, we got up and went to get Breakfast. then we went to check if dad came home yesterday night.. well I did. He didn't. but something was different tho,... "Ryo come here you need to see this."
"Sure coming." she responded. she walked in and gasped then screamed. there was blood on the white pillow cases and sheets and mom was gone.

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