Who are you

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We left our house in hopes to find our mom and hopefully our dad. The place was so quiet, you could here a pencil drop from kilometres away.then we herd someone scream. It sounded like a 14 year old boy. Our age. It was like the scream that we did yesterday when we saw that dark man at our window. "Ryo what was that" I said in a questioning voice. " sounded like... Like as screaming boy" she sarcastically replied. " Thanks a lot , I couldn't tell" I rolled my eyes at her. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! We heard again."Ok, we need to find that boy. Now." We thought. We looked at each other thinking the same thing. We ran looking for the boy. "He is gone" " Ryo, just believe. We can find him." I told her. She looked to the sideand grind. " what is it?" I asked. " I found something I think can help."
"Uh ok..." I looked down at her hand. A tear had stocked down my cheek and fell down my chin. It was the locket our mom would ware around her neck and would never take off. It was the locket that we had gave her with our pictures in them. She pick it up and opened the locket. The picture of me was gone. " Since the picture of you is gone, it should go around your neck" Ryo said. She put it around my neck. Just then I got a text.
Sent at 12:30
Hey um did you get a text from 808 555 9682? All the kids in the village did. If you didn't, be wear don't answer him. I am warning you. Don't pick anything up that you see that belongs to your family or anything its a trap. A tracker device. I promise that's it is a trap.

"How would this guy know this" we wondered. " He said anything that our family owns is a trap. Take the necklace  off." I told Ryo. " What are you talking about Minako! We don't even know this guy! For all we know he/ she can be the other guy sending you texts! We can't trust him!" " But what if he's right! Ryo we can't take our chances! We have to trust him/her. We want to help mom not join her! Please take it of Ryo know and leave it!" I yelled. That was the first time we ever got in to a fight. " FINE BUT IF WE DIE, ITS YOUR FAULT!" Then she ripped it off my neck, and thro it soo hard you could here it wip. Then some one taped on my back. I wiped around and it was a boy, the boy who screamed the boy who sent the text. The boy who we need to help us.

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