Big Brother 1 East vs West (Episode 4)

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Julie Chen: "Welcome to Big Brother!"

*audience cheers as it fades into the intro*

Julie Chen: "This has been a very intense first week in the Big Brother house, and at the end of the week, we will see either Nathan or Stuart be sitting out here with me! But first, let's see what happened during the past few days before we interact with the houseguests!"

*scene shows Hazel and Aaron walking up to the HOH room*

Hazel's DR: "So recently, Aaron told me that he's from Connecticut. This is the perfect opportunity to create an alliance with the HOH. I'm from New Jersey, Aaron's from Connecticut and Paul is from New York. The Tri State Alliance!"

Hazel: "So, I saw your strength in the Head of Household comp on the first day and I want to be in close with you and have you both as allies. Since us three all represent one state from the Tri State Area."

Paul: "Okay, I'm liking this actually. Aaron, are you into this?"

Aaron: "I love this alliance. We have the brawns (points to Paul), the brains (points to himself) and the beauty(points to Hazel). I feel like this would work out."

Paul: "Sweet, I'll catch up with you guys later and we can come up with some plans together."

Paul's DR: "HOLY HELL, this is amazing! It's only a week into this game and I already have six people on my side?! Who's the one benefiting here?!"

*scene cuts to all houseguests (exclude Paul, Hazel and Aaron)*

Stuart: "So I only have a quick minute to do this, if I leave, don't trust Paul at all. Target him whenever you get the chance to. He promised me and Vienna that he wouldn't place either of us on the chopping block this week and stuck with his word until yesterday. He is not to be trusted and if you're currently working with him, my best wishes are with you."

Stuart's DR: "I was up half the night trying to find a way for people to vote out Nathan over me. Everything I said to the houseguests was the 100% truth and I will call him out on Thursday night. He better watch his ass because I'll be gunning for him next week."

*scene shows Stuart and Vienna talking in the bedroom*

Vienna: "Stuart, that was smart. You need to do that to his face during eviction so everyone knows and so he worries that his game will be in jeopardy."

Stuart: "Oh trust me, I'll do anything to stay in this house."

Vienna: "So far, the votes seem to be in your favor."

Stuart: "Can't judge now, we're still days away from eviction and I could lose a vote by the blow of the wind."

Nathans DR: "Stuart is a straight up genius. I need to let Paul know what he said about him and we need to make sure I stay in here because my alliance needs me in here."

*scene cuts to Paul and Nathan in the HOH room*

Nathan: "You need to watch yourself. Stuart just said you're not to be trusted in this game because you had promised him and Vienna that you wouldn't nominate them this week."

Paul: "That guy is a nut. I never promised or said anything about keeping them."

Nathan: "I'm just letting you know because if I leave, he'll be the one coming after you."

Paul: "Thanks for telling me man. I'm super nervous about this guy now."

*scene now shows Julie Chen on stage*

Julie Chen: "Houseguests, it is the end of the road for either Nathan or Stuart. But before we vote to evict, Paul, how was it being first HOH of Big Brother?"

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