pretty disguise

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these days i use music to mask my feelings
because pretty shells can disguise the ugly things,
and nothing is prettier
than the sound of the twinkling notes on a keyboard
or the chorus of violas
echoing through my mind.
nothing is prettier than expressing emotions
with soft metaphors
and gentle rhymes
everything about it is pretty.
pretty enough - that is.
to temporarily cover
the melodies I don't want to sing
and the rhymes i dont want to say.
if i dont listen to music
the only lyrics i hear
are the billions of promises you made,
now broken,
and the soft sound of your breathing
when you told me you loved me
though now it's so clear
how temporary that was.
how ugly it was.
but i have music
and that's pretty.
pretty enough to protect me from you.
but for how much longer?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2024 ⏰

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