Chapter 8

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I had been trying to keep thoughts of Dimitri out of my head since I saw him with Lana but somehow the memories seemed to sneak up on me. Suddenly I began to feel really weak and I would have fallen if I hadn't sat down on the shower floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. After a while, I couldn't tell the difference between the shower water and my tears. I could see black lines of make-up swirling in the water but I didn't care.

"Elizabeth, are you okay? You've been in there for a long time," I heard Chase shout from the other side of the bathroom door.

I choked back my tears, "Yea, I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine Elizabeth. Are you sure?"

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me, "Yes I'm sure Chase. I'm just a little shaken."

There was a long pause, "Okay well is there anything I can get you?"

"No thanks," I pulled myself up off the floor and washed myself quickly. I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. I wrapped the towel tightly around me and shivered, missing the hot water. Opening the bathroom door slowly I peeked out and when I saw the bedroom was empty I stepped out of the bathroom. I saw Chase had laid out a band tee shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants.

I ran my hands through my wet hair to shake some of the water out before walking back to the living room. I noticed a familiar smell in the air and I immediately smiled. I saw Chase in the kitchen as I rounded the corner. It took Chase a while to notice me standing in the doorway but when he looked up he smiled, "Hey Elizabeth. I made dinner for you. I figured you were probably hungry."

I smiled, "Call me Liz Chase. All my friends do."

He smiled and slowly a flirtatious smirk grew on his face, "Well then I suppose I will just have to keep calling you Elizabeth. Gotta be unique you know?"

I smiled and blushed, "So what did you make?"

Chase pointed to a pot, "Well I made some homemade soup with potatoes, chicken, brown rice and steamed vegetables. I also made you some whole-wheat toast. I tried to keep things simple since you threw up earlier and I wasn't sure what your stomach could handle."

I blushed bright red from embarrassment and from him being so thoughtful, "Thanks Chase. You really didn't have to do this for me."

Chase shook his head, "No I did." He grabbed two bowls and filled them up with soup. After he set the bowls down on the dining room table, I sat down and started to eat. Chase brought the toast over to the table and joined me. A few bites into my soup I realized how hungry I was. I finished my soup and stood up to get a second bowl before Chase was even half way through his. When I realized this, I slowed down and tried to cover the blush covering my cheeks.

Chase looked up from his food, "How is everything?"

I nodded, "It's really good. Thank you."

Chase smiled, "So what were you doing sitting outside your apartment?"

Memories came flooding back and I bit my lip to force the tears back, "Well it's kind of a long story."

Chase stood up and took our empty bowls, "I've got time."

I nodded, knowing I wouldn't be able to avoid the subject, "It was a long night. I was at the club with Izzy and I was drinking a little..." I paused expecting Chase to scold me but he just nodded to urge me to go on. With a sigh I continued, "After drinking and dancing for a while I started to get a headache so I asked Izzy for some headache medication. She gave me a pill and told me it would help take the edge off. I took it and after a while, I started to feel really weird. I started freaking out and I only knew one person to go to. My friend Dimitri brought me here and I thought he would know what was going on with me. I went over to his apartment but when I walked in, I saw him with another girl. I know it sounds stupid but she's gorgeous."

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