A Dream To Live 2

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But I let my earphone fall ! And when I was going to take it I hit my head in something.

And then I saw, in my front...

A: Niall!

N: Humm , yes....

And I stayed paralized, I couldn't say anything...

A: Ahh! Sorry , sorry , I am leaving! Sarah ! Whe are you!?

And when I turned I saw Sarah she was speaking with Liam... They were really cute couple.

S: Liam , excuse me for one minute?

L: Of course...

S: Amy, Liam is so perfect!


S: What happened???

A: I couldn't say anything to Niall, he may hate me ....

S: Relax! Do you forget why we come where?? We are going to stay with all the boys during one month!


That girl... I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about her...

L: Niall let's go ! We have to meet the girls that won the contest!

N: Give me a minute...

So we went home , where we met Harry , Louis and Zayn. And we stayed speaking about the girls...

H: Do you think the girls are hot?

LO: No more than you Harry, haha joke , joke...

L: I hope they are not boring, because I don't want to be cheeky.

Z: Liam , always polite...VAS HAPPENING BOYS , it doesn't matter if they are pretty or not, the important are their feelings

N: Guys ! I think someone knocked!

I oppened the door and ....

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