Stevie Boebi will you ......

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Ally woke up the next day with Stevies head lying on her chest.

"This is a feeling I could get used to" she thought to herself.

Ally heard Stevie mumble something in her sleep but she couldn't quite hear. Ally turned to look at her clock and it said 10am. Ally nudged Stevie slightly but she just got another mumble in return.

"Wake up gorgeous" Ally said whilst kissing Stevie on the cheek.

"I'm up , what time is it" Stevie said as she lifted her head up to look at Ally.

"Time that I make you breakfast in bed"

"Ally you are the best girlfriend ever"


"Um yeah"

"I didn't realise that you wanted to make it official"

"Well if you don't mind"

"Wait one second"

Ally ran out of the bedroom and was gone for a while. Stevie got kind of worried as she thought that she might of scared Ally off. Soon Ally returned and stood next to the bed. Stevie sat up on the bed and faced Ally. Ally got down on one knee.

"Woah... Ally! What.."

"Stevie Boebi will my girlfriend" Ally said to Stevie whilst holding out a little silver ring on a chain in her hand.

"Obviously Ally you are such a dork"

"I might be a dork but I'm now officially your dork"

Stevie stood up facing Ally. Stevie turned around so that Ally could put the necklace around Stevies neck. Stevie turned around again to see Ally smiling at her with her irresistible smile.

"Ally its beautiful"

"Just like you"

"I love it"

"I love you" Ally said this then suddenly blushed after realising what she had just said.

"I mean I love the necklace you yeah that's what I ...

She was cut off by Stevies lips pressing against hers. Stevie pulled away and whispered in Allys ear,

"I love you too"

Ally rested her head on Stevies shoulder.

"Ally I'm still waiting for that breakfast"

"Oh ha ha, breakfast can wait I feel perfect just where I am"

Stevie leaned in to kiss Ally when they heard a knock at the door. They both ran downstairs and Ally answered the door. It was Danny.

"Hey Ally"

"Hey Danny come in "

"You still cool to film the video we were talking about"


As Danny walked inside he made eye contact with Stevie.

"Oh yeah Danny this is.."


"Wait you two know eachother"

"Unfortunately" Stevie said whilst glaring at Danny.

Stevie Boebi + Ally HillsWhere stories live. Discover now