DC Incorrect Quotes 46

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Nick: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Alec: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.

Nick: (Getting down on one knee) That's cause it is-

Tom: Think you can unlock the door for us?

Gabby: Sure, I just need a couple of things. Jake, can I have your credit card?

Jake: Sure, just make sure not to bend it.

Gabby: Thanks. Now Drew, break down the door.

Tom: HUH?!

Ally: I understand... *points to the distance* HEY, LOOK! JAMES IN A BIKINI!

Aiden: *looks at the direction* REALLY?! AT NIGHT?!

Ally: *runs away*

Trevor and Derek: *singing* I can't live a lie, running for my life~~ I will always want you~

Derek: I CAME IN A- *tries to do splits with the chairs but ends up breaking his b*lls.) AAAAAAHHH!!!!! OH MY GOD!!

Trevor: *helps him* YOU'RE ONLY MAKING IT WORSE!!!!

Yul: I still don't have a new year's resolution.

Alec: You could loose a few.

Riya: You could be less lazy.

Grett: Don't be such a bitch.

Yul: Okay, DAMN. SHIT.

Jake: I'm going to give some advice. Here. *gives Riya a toilet paper* Take it.

Riya: Huh?... What's this for?...

Jake: To wipe yourself.

Jake: *smirking evilly* Because you're a piece of shit.

Everyone: OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lill: Okay, road trip. Where do you guys wanna go?

Gabby: The Bahamas!

Lill: Oh, I don't know about that...

Fiore: Let's go to hell!

Lill: .....No.

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