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"I'm sorry."

"Its okay."

"I'm really really sorry."

"Its fine."

" I don't know what happened to me, I just...I'm sorry." Toby stopped and turned to me giving me a faint reassuring smile,"You've been apologizing for the past hour, its okay, I'm not upset."

"Yeah know,its...we just met and know..." I felt my face warm up as I thought of what I did awhile ago. Toby blushed a cute red remembering as well.

"It...really is nothing," Toby said faintly still blushing a bit, and began walking again. They have been walking for a while now, they didn't talk as much, only the conversation of apologizing to Toby for...kissing him and having Toby tell him that it didn't bother him. Didn't bother him. Jack was freaking out from the inside!

But on the other hand, Toby was the most beautiful things I ever laid eyes on, countless of bueties of girls I gotten to take their kidneys of was no match to the boy walking in front of me. I had kissed him for god sakes! Which had made everything no sense whatsoever.

First of all, I wasn't gay.

Second of all, I wasn't gay.

Third of all, I wasn't gay!

My mind was everywhere to the point where I was cunfused. It probably had to do with the boy walking alongside of me. I mentally smacked myself. No i cant think of that now. Even more when its a boy. As we started to head to the secret portal, which was a well- hold up, how does he know where that is? I looked over at him and said,"Hey how do you where we going?" He stopped at his tracks and looked up. Before he was about to give his explanation, Slenderman teleported in front of us. This action made Toby almost fall over, but he caught himself.

"What do you think you are doing child," Slender scowled.

"I.. k-know...," mumbled Toby.

"Child, I told you not to show your face to anyone until we give an announcement to the others." I looked at both of them wondering what's going on. "Hey Slender, why so mad?" He turned and looked at me, surprised to see me. Then he face palmed.

"*sigh* You had to go along with him."

Toby stared wide-eyed, "W-what he is a creepypasta too?!"

"Of course he is," replied Slender." You know what Jack just pretend you never met him okay. Only when we go to the mansion. You got that child?" I nodded understanding. Slender sighed once more before walking over to the well. I followed as well as Toby behind.

(Toby's POV)

I was all confused who is who and what is what, but I followed Jack into the well and jumped in. We were going down quickly, but it felt as we were floating in air. I saw nothing, but pure darkness and few lights. Then I closed my eyes and felt the weather changed.

(At the mansion. Toby's POV)

I stood in front of a biggest mansion I've ever seen in life. It had balconys, windows, and vines everywhere, but still beautiful. I felt someone nudge my shoulder to continue foward. As I stepped opon the stairs I looked beside me to see Jack staring at me. We both looked away. We headed up two large doors which seemed to be glowing bright. I suddenly felt my legs turn to jello as we entered. There in the middle of the room were several of people talkin to each other. Once they sensed our presence they stopped and turned to look at us. Silence.

That is all that was in the room before Slenderman coughed awkwardly and started," Well I'm glad everyone is here to met our new memeber to the family. Toby!"
I saw a tendril sprout out from his back and it pushed me forward to be met with the faces of the other creepypastas. I started to shake a bit.
A short boy with a green adventurous-like ouffit, pointy ears, a elf looking hat, and black eyes with blood streaming down spoke up, " Well... welcome to the game."
Everybody in the room groaned, some face palming.
"Great job BEN, you introduced yourself with a shitty pun," a white faced guy with a smile carved on his cheeks.
If it weren't scared i would've laughed, but i was a little terrified. I scanned the room till my eyes landed on a particular girl. She had a simple brown jacket with a white top underneath it and skinny jeans. The thing that was weird was that one of her eyes had a clock instead of a eye. She noticed me staring and smirked, winking at me. I felt my cheeks burn, luckily my mask is covering it. Once the riot with so called BEN died down, everyone headed to me to welcome me. They all said along the lines of "Sup", "Welcome home", or "hello, how 'ya' doing?" I learned most of the creepypastas name, including the clock girl which was Clockwork.( A:N-Isn't that obvious) Then Slender lead me to my room i will be staying at. I thanked him and closed the door once he left. I opened a few drawers to already find a pair of pj's in them. I smiled and got them on. They were a little big, but just fine. I then climbed to my bed, pulling the covers over me and drifted asleep.

(E.J P.O.V)

Once teleporting back to the mansion I looked over to Toby who seemed quite amused by it. Slenderman ruined the fun by nudging Toby's shoulder to continue on.

As going up the stairs I slowed to have another look at his face. Unfortunately his mask was literally covering half of his face. So i decided to look at the other half of his face. No use. He had his goggles so it prevented me from seeing his chocolate eyes. The only sight i could see was his little button nose and forehead. He noticed me staring and looked at me. I reacted turning away.

We entered only to be faced with the other members of creepypastas. It happens every time when someone new joins in or leaves. We gather up in the living room to say our hellos or goodbyes. Eh...oh well.

After BEN said his lame-old pun, I saw Clockwork smirk and wink at Toby. I turned to look at him, only to be found with a pink blush along his nose and probably down his hidden cheeks. I felt my breathing go rather fast and my blood boiling. What a slut Clockwork can be. I decided to get some shut-eye before i gutted someone's ass. {*cough*-Clockwork-*cough*}


OMG, hate meee! I know that probaly most of you hate me and wanna kill me- but hey I too have a life that has problems that never end. So trust me I will do better like this one chapter that had almost 1,200 words. I will TRY to do this weekly with almost amount of words, if not the next week I will give you about 3000 words, Mkay? Also, give me inspirations or any kind thing to help me continue this book.

For example:

1. Do you want any fluffy (lemon, smut, yaoi whatever you call it) in this book?

2. Are you okay with the curse words?

3. Should someone be secretly evil?

4. What characters would you like?

5. Etc...

Eyeless Jack x Ticci TobyWhere stories live. Discover now