Feature Films: Aladdin, The Return of Jafar, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Aladdin
Television Programs: Aladdin
Voice: Scott Weinger (Speaking), Brad Kane (Singing)
Other Names: Street Rat (by Jafar/Razoul/Mozenrath), Diamond in the Rough, Prince Ali Ababwa
Occupation: Thief (Formerly), Hero, Ambassador, Royal Advisor/Vizier
Alignment: Good
Goal: To someday change his life around and become more than a mere street rat
Home: Streets of Agrabah, The Sultan's Palace
Relatives: Cassim (Father), Zena (Mother; Deceased), Behan Yerbak (Uncle), Jasmine (Wife)
Pets: Abu (Monkey), Iago (Parrot)
Likes: Acceptance, Adventures, Seeing the world, Helping others, Outwitting Razoul, Apples
Dislikes: Danger, Discrimination, Poverty, Jasmine being upset, Jafar, Evil schemes
Powers And Abilities: High Intelligence, Experienced in hand-to-hand combat
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