Untitled Part 3

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No, I didn't name this part of the story.

No, I don't want to.

I really don't know what to write, but my creative writing professor says that the best way to write is just to do it. But, I don't think writing three parts to Wattpad within an hour was an idea that she had in mind. I don't even know if she would be mad if she read up until this point. After all, my story is a bit unstructured, though right now, it doesn't have any huge grammatical errors. 

I even capitalized this time and properly formed sentences that weren't just fifteen words long! 

I think that my cat would be proud of me if she spoke English. Or maybe she wouldn't. She's kind of mean. I think that she would call me a mean word that I can't type out unless I'm going to label this as 14+, but most 13-year-olds are losing their inninnnninnocence on this ducking website. Reading smut was only exclusive to plain-looking novels sitting on their grandmother's shelves, so it's not like it would matter anyway if a 13-year-old read swear words. Anyway, back to my cat. Her eyes remind me of vomit because they're like this weird amber color that sort of matches her coat, but my sister says that they are green, which isn't helping this cat beat the vomit-colored eyes allegation. 


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