Chapter 7: Baby food challenge

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Ughh...I woke up feeling so tired. The only thing I remembered was sleeping under the stars yesterday night after a big day at Guudeland. And now that I'm starting to remember more, me, Zisteau, Chad, Sev and Rel Rel had tons of fun there, we were like little 5 year old enjoying every moment and stargazing at the beautiful sky. I then suddenly remembered that I had a recording session with Aurey and Pigderp: The baby food challenge.

I personally like baby food, don't get me wrong. It's easy to eat and I think that some of the flavours are great! But I hated the meat flavoured types like roast chicken and stuff, but who'll know? We'll be blindfolded anyway.

"Zisteau!, hurry up, we're running late! Why are you always so slow darnit?"

"Coming Vaks, just give me a sec."

"Arghhhh, I'll be waiting outside for you", I groaned in frustration.

"Ok, just give me a sec."

Dammit, that Pigderp is always so slow, I need to tell him way earlier next time.

"Did we need to grab some baby food?", Zisteau asked.

"No, Aurey's got tons remember?", I replied back in annoyance.

"Finally man..."

We then quickly ran to Aurey's house, worrying if Aureylian would be annoyed.

*Knock knock knock

"Hai Vaks and Pigderp!", she greeted us, a big grin spread across her face.

"Hey Aurey, sorry we were late, Zisteau took forever", I appologised, blushing a bit.

"Hey!", Zisteau said looking at me.

"What? It was true", I replied giggling.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway, we've got all day! Did you two run all the way here? Your faces are all red!" said Aurey.

"Yup we did," I replied

"Man, that's far, I would've died halfway through!" she laughed.

"Quickly make yourselves comfortable and I'll grab some drinks."

"Thanks Aurey", me and Zisteau replied.

After taking a little rest, we setted up all the recording and spread mini cans of baby food in a row. We then flicked on the camera and took a deep breath.

"Welcome back another challenge video! I'm here with Vaks and Zisteau, and today we are doing the baby food challenge!", Aurey exclaimed, smiling to the camera.

"Oh yishhh, baby food!", I added in.

"No can you, how can you like baby foo- never mind", Aurey replied, cutting herself off.

"Anyway, we are each going to get 3 rounds, person tasting the food will be blindfolded and will make guesses, before they get it right or finally give up.", Relly explained.

"I gotta say though...some of these don't look so hot, most look like vomit." Zisteau said staring at the cans. "Good thing we took off the labels so I don't spoil myself, you know how I am."

"Anyway, let's get right into it!" Aurey spoke happily.

"So first off is you Vaks", Aurey said to me, taking the blindfold and wrapping it around my eyes.

"Okay, I'm ready! I like baby food anyway!" I happily exclaimed.

Aurey held up the mini bottle and dunked the spoon in it, taking a spoonful and ready to feed me.

But before she held it close to my mouth, she started smirking at Zed, while holding up the label. Zisteau laughed harder and carefully whispered quietly to Aurey:

"I've heard that that flavour is gross, we'll teach Vaks a lesson."

Relly began to giggle harder and I asked: "What's so funny? Just feed me the thing already!"

And oh my goodness when I could taste the flavour in my mouth. What on Earth is this?

"EEEEWWWWW WTF?!?!? GIVE ME WATER!", I yelled all over the place.

"HAHAHA THAT REACTION!", Zisteau and Relly chimed in.

"You better start guessing before I give you another spoon", Aurey warned.

"Ok, ok...ughh...vomit?", I asked.

"No such thing Vaks, they aren't that evil to children." Zed replied.

"Tastes like rotten meat to me mashed with moldy vegetables." I grumbled.

"You got the meat part right." Relly said.

"Hm...pork?" I asked.


"Chicken? Chicken can't taste THAT bad can it?"

"Nope, keep trying."

"Must be lamb then."

"Keep trying."


"What type?"

"What type? There's a type? Roast beef?"

"Yup you got it."

"Well that was disgusting, I hope you two get disgusting ones too." I said sticking out my tongue.

This goes on for about 15 minutes, Aurey and Zed getting all the nice flavours like apple and banana, then Vechs getting all the gross ones like roast vegetables and meat etc. Vechs was basically screaming the entire time when he got feed disgusting baby food and Aurey and Zed were laughing at him like the entire time.

"Man wasn't that an interesting video!" Zed said giggling.

"Yeah, it sure was. My throat hurts from all the screaming. Didn't you guys get any gross ones?" I asked.

"I guess you could say that we were lucky, and that you were unlucky," Relly replied.

Rellybits then gave Zisteau a secret wink.

(A/N: Well this chapter was posted really bad xD I was trying to think of a good plot and so it took awhile because I'm starting to get writer's block :L To prevent me from uploading late, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd pop down an idea or two, and your idea could be the outcome for the next chapters! Thanks again for being patient and I'll see ya all this Friday!)

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