Chapter 3: Fluttering Ashes

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       "You cannot possibly think they'll get over this. Look at them! They're practically children still!" Jeis said, waving his hand infront of the All Seeing Pool. Leeva and Kohja slept solemnly, worried that the storms would keep them from returning home. My name is Esha, the spirit of time. I guard, and watch over the passage of time. Jeis is simply the spirit of destruction, and he watches over the balance of war and battles. This makes him a major prick sometimes but I still have to cope with him. "You still think they are frail? Even as Kohja showed his abilities against the Avatar? My my Jeis, you still have much to learn. Even cubs can still grow to be fearsome." Jeis strokes his beard, a little angry that I'm defending them. He hates mortal beings, and never wants anything to do with them. The fact that he has been tasked with watching over mortals makes him even more angry.
"This is getting ridiculous. We both know what will happen, yet we just sit here and watch! Mortals are about as entertaining as watching grass grow."
"Patience Jeis. Your time will come, as will mine." With a growl Jeis left the room. Leaving me watching Kohja Pike, and Leeva Keiss sleeping. Their mortal bodies are still sound, yet their minds are alive with demons. Kohja dreams of the air tribes demise, and Leeva dreams of the day she dies. Nightmares are specifically terrifying which is why I'm glad I'm a spirit. We do not require sleep, only meditation and a careful eye. Mortals every now and then have an interesting story to tell....

I couldn't stop running. The flames behind me grew larger and larger with each tear I shed. I couldn't stop crying even if I had tried. My name is Ardelia..I'm a girl who just murdered her family. It wasn't my fault, my father pushed me over the edge. He burned my arm really bad..all I did was retaliate. But my retaliation caused my home to go up in flames, literally. My mother and father and little sister are now ashes because of me. I have no idea where my little brother is and it terrifies me. I don't know if he died as well, or ran once he saw me reduce my parents to embers.

I gazed down at my arm which is now a smoldering husk. I can't feel it at all. The various burn scars across my body seemed to carry the same pain. Those are my keepsakes from by crazy psychopath father who thinks he can do anything because he's a firebender. Years of torture and pain and I finally snapped. In the worst way possible. I ran and ran until I came to a small house: home to Hama. She was an old lady who seemed very unsure of herself, and she's the only person I could turn to in this situation. I've been her friend ever since the first time I ran away. She kept me safe and even gave me food and water. She also taught me how to control my emotions which is where my bending takes it's influence..alot of help that did. I banged on the door and saw Hama inside preparing food. Hama rushed to the door and opened it, and immediately hugged me once she saw my arm.
"Child what the hell happened to you?!"
All I could do was sob. The fire that now consumes my family still raged behind me and there was nothing I could do about it. Hama bended a ball of water towards my arm, then it began to glow a light blue. I could feel the skin slowly start piecing itself back together..something my sanity won't do in awhile. Hama looked into my eyes and smiled. She healed me from time to time and always took me in every time my father burned me, but this is the worst one so far. Her wrinkled features darkened as she saw the fire in the distance slowly began to fade. "Do you want to go back?" She questioned me. I said nothing. I never want to go back to that place again. My home is now smoldering ashes, and I will not go back, I cannot.
"I understand." Hama said, as if my silence said a thousand words. "I can help you control your emotions if you need me to."
"No one can." I said, starting to sob again. I feel helpless. No one can save me from the darkness that clouds my mind. I'm just a worthless girl that murdered her family in cold blood. No one will ever care for one. I can never start a new life.
Hama stared at me for a few seconds, then held my face in her hands, "I will help you Ardelia. Trust me on this." And she pressed her lips against my forehead, causing my sobs and the flames behind me to intensify. No one can save me..not even Mama Hama.


I heard a bloodcurdling scream beside me. Kohja must be having another nightmare. 3 days we have been staying here at Li Fe, and so far we have gotten zero sleep. Kohja and I have been having chronic nightmares, even during the naps we take. Kohja has seen numerous different images, our temple burning, and monk Gyatso dying. Aang going missing and so forth. Every nightmare is even more haunting than the last. I put his head in my lap and slowly stroked his head, easing him just a slight amount.

He still tossed and turned and whimpered softly like a terrified animal. Not knowing what else to do I started singing a lullaby,
"Leaves from the vine,
Falling so slow,
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Drifting in the foam,
Little soldier boy,
Come marching home,
Brave soldier boy,
Comes marching home."
I didn't know what I was doing, but it seemed to work. Kohja eased into his slumber and began to sleep again. Smiling I gently layed down his head and tucked myself under one of the sleeping bags.
I heard Kohja stir.
"Thank you..that really helped."
"You're welcome."
He slowly slid over and hugged me.
"Losing everyone terrifies me. I don't want that to happen. I can't lose you either."
Smiling, I patted his arm and hugged him back.
"Don't worry, your nightmares aren't real. They're fake. They will never happen."
"Thank you...lets get some rest. I think the storm is clearing tomorrow."

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