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So today my cousin left to Dominican Republic. So you know he has his luggage I decided to go with my dad to take him to the airport. So my dad is carrying some of my cousins luggage and my cousin has some. So his girlfriend was there to and she decided to take him to the airport with us. Minding you me and her aren't really that cool that doesn't mean I don't like her. It's just that I haven't got to know her like my sister or my mom has. So we are walking out the door I walk out first so I could hold the door open for my dad since he has luggage in his hands. ( you know cause I'm so nice 😇 ). So I held the door open for my dad he didn't say thank you I don't expect him to. He is an asshole just like me we act like we are brother and sister. So I'm totally fine with the fact that he didn't say thank you. So then my cousin passed by me and I held the door open for him he said thank you. In my family we are all assholes to each other so like I wouldn't expect him to say thank you. You know cause with my cousins we play fight we are like sibling and stuff like that. Here is the part where I lost MY SHIT. So his girlfriend is the last one to walk out of my house. So her being a stranger to me I expect her to say thank you. She doesn't even have to say it with enthusiasm like a quick simple boring thank you would have done the trick. So she walks out the door and doesn't say thank you. LIKE WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I am a very calm and polite person when somebody does something for me I always say thank you I have manners my mother taught me well. SO SOMETHING I HATE IS WHEN A PERSON THAT I DONT EVEN KNOW WHEN I HOLD THE DOOR FOR THEM AND THEY DONT SAY FUCKING THANK YOU. So yeah that got me type mad so while we are driving to the airport she is like over here sitting next to me in the car like sniffling ( she was crying before ). She is crying because my cousin is going to Dr like he coming back girl chill. BUT WHATEVER HER NOT SAYING THANK YOU JUST GOT ME REALLY MAD FOR SOME REASON I don't even know why it got me really heated


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