Fuck the airport !!

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Okay so it is 3 in the damn morning so I don't know if you read my chapter before but I was supposed to be leaving today actually right now I'm supposed to be in the car driving to the airport. BUT GUESS FUCKING WHAT !!!!  I shaved my legs just too go to the airport. I washed my hair too go to the airport. So I get out the shower in  a GOOD FUCKING MOOD. So I get out the shower I'm walking to my room I put in my clothes so I go to my moms room. I see that she looks so pissed of   I'm thinking it's because I got out the shower a little late. So I asked her what happened so she tells me listen to the voicemail that JetBlue sent me. So I listen to it and they FUCKing say that my flight is cancelled. And instead of putting it for today but another one that a little bit later the fucking put me for the one on the next day so I have to spend a whole other day in my house doing nothing. I'm so damn mad like come on I really wanted to leave and go enjoy my damn vacation but now I have to wait another day. And I know most people are like chill it's only one day spend it doing nothing. But you don't get it I'm so tired of doing nothing I wanna go see my cousin. Also because this whole week I have been so damn mad so this was just the cherry on top of the sundae that made it complete. So yup know I'm mad and I'm gonna go watch greases like five times because I'm mad and that the only thing that's gonna calm me down bye guys.

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