Where in the world...?

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Aecha's POV:


          I landed onto the solid floor. Whew... it is the end... The ride in the portal sure made me dizzy... I thought to myself. Looking around, I realised that everywhere seems rather... unrealistic. I seemed to be in a fantasy world.

          Where... am I...?


          I immediately swivelled my head around to the direction of the noise. I found a random person beside me with purplish hair that seems to look like space.

          "Hey, are you alright?" I questioned with concern.

          That person lifted up her head. I was taken aback when I saw her face.

          That ain't a person. That is a cookie!

Lunar's POV:

          "Hey, are you alright?" I heard someone questioned me.

          Just as I lifted up my head and was about to answer, I was met by a dragon's face.


          And at that moment, I immediately stop myself. Seriously, out of ALL things, I SHRIEKED?! That is like a basic 101 rule of not to do in my life. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! I started slapping the sh!t out of me and muttered the word 'stupid' to myself repeatedly.

Aecha's POV:

          Okay, I do not know why this happen next, but it did.

          "EYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" That was the first thing the cookie did.

          Right after that, she seem to be thinking about her life choices.

          And then, suddenly, she turned mad and started to slap the sh!t out of herself.

          I was considering whether to send her to the mental hospital on the spot.

          But at the same time, I noticed that the behaviour seemed to be similar to someone I know.


Lunar's POV:


          I stopped slapping myself and stared at this stranger.

          How did she even know my name?

          "Umm... are you, by any chance, Crystal? Or Aecha?"

          That cookie had a 'bruh' look on her face and said, "Gurl, I am obviously Aecha. What make you think I am Crystal? Where is she anyways?"

          "You have crystals on top of you, " I said, pointing to the top of her head. 

          She stared at me and had a shocked face plastered across her face as she look at herself. " I am... A COOKIE? A DRAGON?!! " She said in utter amazement and shock. " Gurl, don't tell me you just REALISED?!!! " I shook my head, dumbfounded. In turn, she gave me a sheepish grin.


          We swivelled our heads to the direction of the noise to find another cookie, who we guessed it was supposed to be Crystal.


Crystal's POV:

          " Sooooooo... Where in the world are we at? " I asked. Lunar, being the smartest among us as always( Actually true in reality ), said, " I think we are in Cookie Run Kingdom because basically we ARE cookies... We are going to need new names now... " " I think yours is gonna be Galaxy something Cookie, I would be something Dragon Cookie and Crystal would be something something Cookie, " Aecha said. 

          ( Lunar: Ya, very creative... Aecha: Why, thank you! ^^ )

          After discussing, we decided to call Lunar Galaxy Swirl Cookie, Aecha Crystallised Dragon Cookie and me Ghost Pepper Cookie. 

          And our identities... Aec- no, I mean Crystallised Dragon Cookie would be the second dragon of uh... Earthbread? (I think that is what it is called), Galaxy Swirl Cookie would be Chief Commander of Moonlight's army and I would be a... ghost keeper??? I don't know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          "So... I guess... ADVENTURE AWAITS!!! XD " Aecha- no I mean Crystallised Dragon Cookie yelled at the top of her voice as she ran off, with me and Galaxy chasing after her. ( Why does she sound like Adventurer Cookie here T - T )

          " WHO ARE YOU!!! "

Word count: 622 words

* In my AU, Moonlight Cookie is royalty and she has a kingdom named Space Kingdom.

If me and my friends were in Cookie Run KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now