Chapter 1

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"Last call for Flight #3692 to San Francisco, California. Flight #3692 will be departing soon."

The flight attendant's voice blares over the intercom as my mom and I hug for one last time before my departure. The day had finally come for me to leave for Korea and it would be a while until I see my family again. My brother Erik had even taken the day off of work so we could spend it together.

"You know you could always cancel the flights and leave a few weeks before school starts back up," my mom sniffles.

"I know mom. But this way I can get used to the culture, the food, the area, things like that. I'd really like to stay longer, but I think this is best. I love you so, so, so much mom. Don't you forget that, okay?"

Mom slightly nods her head and wipes her nose with a tissue. I give my dad and brother one last hug and kiss before heading towards the gate. Right after giving an attendant my ticket to scan, I turn around and wave again to my family. "I love you!" I yell once more before boarding the plane.

As soon as I find my seat and shove my carry-on into the compartment, I sit down and push my other bag under the seat in front of me. I pull out my phone and headphones attempting to prepare for the next few hours. Ten or so minutes later I hear the plane door being shut and much to my surprise, the seat next to me is empty. More room to stretch out. I can faintly hear a male flight attendant's voice over the speaker before completely passing out.


"Miss! Miss? We've landed in San Francisco." I bolt up and realize that most of the plane is empty and I'm being shaken awake by some kind lady.

I smile sleepily and the woman and thank her for waking me. Stiffling a yawn, I gather my items and exit the plane. Thankfully I have a mildly short layover and can get a small snack before boarding my next flight. I find my way to a Panera Bread that's close to my next flight gate and order a tea and a croissant. My order is quickly delivered and I go to sit down in the next flight gate's seating. After taking a bite of the croissant, I take out my phone to tell mom that I landed safe and sound and not to worry to much for me. Almost instantly I get a reply from her with about 20 emojis and a long message about how much her, dad, and Erik all miss me already. I laugh out loud and decide to call her.

"Hey mom."

"Elethwyn! It's so good to hear your voice! How was the flight?"

I snort slightly. "Mom, I've only been gone for a few hours. I'm not quite sure how the flight was. I was out cold for the entire thing. Some really nice lady woke me up."

Mom laughs and I hear dad's laughter in the background. I must be on speakerphone. "Sounds just like your father when he flies. He's never awake! I'll try to talk to him and he's out like a light."

I talk to mom until I hear my flight being called. "I have to go. But I promise to text you the instant I touch down in Seoul, alright? Go to bed. I know it's late there."

"Alright sweetie. Please be careful. We love you so much!"

"I love you too!" With that I hung up the phone and boarded the plane.

Just like before, I stuff my suitcase into the compartment and bag under the seat. Only, this time I don't get the luxury of having an empty seat next to me.

A shadow passes above my head and I look up. There's an attractive what-I'm-guessing-to-be-Korean guy looking down at me.

"I don't really care for window seats. Would you mind if we switched?" He spoke in heavily accented and slightly broken English.

"Oh! Not at all!" I quickly grab my bag from under the seat and move it over and then proceed to move a seat over. The guy sits down and speaks again.

"I'm Kim Jae Ki."

"Oh! I'm Elethwyn Kittrell, but you can call me Elle or Wendy. My name tends to slightly confuse people."

He silently tries out my name and the says something I couldn't catch in Korean. "I'll just call you Wendy," he laughs. "Is it your first time going to Korea?"

"Sadly, yes. I've been wanting to go for a while now, but couldn't because of school. But now I have a job there and finally got an excuse to go. I'm assuming it's not your first time going?"

"Aniyo. I mean, yes. I live there, but I was visiting some of my family." He pauses for a second as if thinking about something. "A job you say? I'm guessing you're going to teach English?"

"Right. I originally wanted to be a translator, but it didn't work out that way. But something is better than nothing," I smile sadly.

Jae Ki on the other hand uses my answer to his advantage and instantly switches over to speaking Korean. "Something is definitely better than nothing. Can you speak Korean too?"

I laugh and then respond in Korean, "Of course! I'd be one lousy translator if I couldn't!"

For the remainder of the flight that I was awake for, I talk to Jae Ki. Guess I just made my first friend in Korea? Well, more like first friend in a plane.


Soooo, this is my first time publishing anything on wattpad. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know it was kind of boring, but I'll make up for it. Promise. I can't guarantee days that I update on, to be completely honest. Since it's currently summer vacation, I should be able to update more often than when school and band and sports start back up again.

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