Chapter 4

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"Oh shut it," I mumble to my stomach as I make my way to the kitchen. I silently pray that there might be something that was left in the pantry from the last person that lived here. I open the first door I find and find at least 10 cups of instant Ramen. "Score!" I grab a cup and turn on the sink. After following the instructions, I set the steaming cup on the table.

Not knowing whether or not there are any kinds of flatware in the apartment, I look in the Ramen pantry for something to use. Behind a cup in the back is a pair of the pull apart bamboo chopsticks. I swipe the chopsticks and start eating. I'm so hungry, I practically inhale the noodles.

I toss the cup and chopsticks into the trash when I finish eating and decide to go grocery shopping. I don't want to eat only Ramen for the next few days. 

After getting ready, I grab my purse and head out the door. Jae Ki told me about a near by supermarket yesterday that's reasonably priced. When I get there, I have no clue what I'm even going to buy. I wander up and down the isles just picking out random things that either look good or I recognize. There's apparently a foreign foods isle and I snag the last bag of Doritos off of a shelf. With my cart semi-full, I push the cart to the check out.

As I turn a corner, I almost get taken out by some ajumma. I thankfully spotted her before she could hit me with her cart, or I'd be on the floor with my cart and it's contents all over the place. I quickly compose myself and then check out. I have to pay with cash since I haven't gotten any kind of cards yet.

Once I get back to the apartment, I put everything away and open the drawers by the stove. There are at least 4 full sets of flatware and a huge bundle of chopsticks in one drawer. I laugh at myself for not thinking of looking here earlier. Not having anything else to do, I turn the TV on and lay down on the couch. An older drama that I've already seen is playing, but I decide to watch it anyways.


I jolt awake to the sound of the doorbell going off. Stretching and yawning, I slowly walk to the door. I crack it open and find Jae Ki on the other side. I silently let him in and go back to laying down. He sets some kind of briefcase/bag on the table before sitting in a chair.

"You sure do sleep a lot."


"What time did you get up today anyways?"

"Hmmm...about noon? I went grocery shopping though. Almost got killed by an ajumma."

He lets out a laugh. "Almost got killed by an ajumma, huh? Sounds interesting."

We both are quiet for a few minutes until Jae Ki says he's going to make dinner. I try protesting, but it's not use. It's either his way or the highway. He at least lets me help. We go through what I bought and decide on just making spaghetti.

As we eat, Jae Ki asks about my ajumma encounter and I ask about his work. He just says it's the same as usual. Nothing really interesting happened. It takes more questioning to finally figure out he works for a publishing company. As I'm about to ask another question, he looks at his watch saying he has to go. He's supposed to finish reading a manuscript by tomorrow. I tell him not to worry about cleaning up and show him to the door.

When cooking, we only made enough for the two of us so there are no leftovers to put away. I quickly do the dishes and dry them. After putting them away, I get ready for bed.

This soon becomes a routine over the course of the next week and a half. I wake up, go out and do something; whether it be shopping or roaming around the city, come back home, Jae Ki comes over and makes dinner with me helping, and then he goes home to read a manuscript. Life in Korea was pretty great so far. Until today.

I had woken up fairly early today and decided to make a nice breakfast for myself. I pull on a slightly long knit sweater and some panda slippers. I throw my hair up into a messy bun, grab my phone, and head to the kitchen. I set my phone on the table before turning on the stove. Jae Ki had gone grocery shopping for me a few days ago since I hadn't known what to buy before.

I set a pan on the stove and take out a carton of eggs. Taking two out, I begin making scrambled eggs. When I finish, I take out a plate and place the eggs on top. I set the plate down and go to the fridge for something to drink.

Before I reach the fridge, I remember I ran out of milk yesterday. I frown but then decide to just make tea. As I wait for the water to get hot, I plug my phone into some portable speakers I bought a few days ago. I turn the volume up and blare my favorite song. Turns out these walls are pretty soundproof.

I dance around the kitchen as I wait for the water. Making up some dance moves as I go, I sing along and flail around. The timer goes off but I'm still in the middle of my dance party. I had just raised my arms up when I hear a voice behind me. It sounded like "Who the hell are you?" in Chinese. I freeze and quickly pull my sweater down. A stranger had just seen me in my underwear.

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