Chapter 3

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In the morning, I wake up to the lovely sound of my doorbell repeatedly going off. I groan and roll out of bed. I glance in the mirror before heading down the stairs. I look half dead but whoever is at the door will have to deal with it. I glance at the screen as I walk towards the door. It's Jae Ki. I guess he really meant it when he said he'd come back in the morning.

I pull open the door to let him inside. "Morning, sunshine! It appears you just woke up."

I shoot him a look. "You woke me up!"

"Good. I want to take you around and show you some stuff. Today's my last day off, so hurry and get ready."

I slowly make my way back up the stairs to get dressed. It's currently the summer break in Korea, so it's pretty hot. Since I have no idea where Jae Ki could possibly take me, I settle on a nice blouse and a pair of shorts. As I walk towards the bathroom, I get the feeling that I'm positively not the only person living here. Curiosity gets the better of me again and I try the door handle once again. Still locked. But what was I really expecting? Some hot guy? A ghost? Not likely to happen.

After I finish straightening my hair and putting on a bit of makeup, I go back downstairs. Jae Ki hops up off of the couch and struts to the door, holding it open for me. I grab my purse off of the kitchen table and head out the door. I try asking Jae Ki where he's taking me as we ride the elevator, but all he will tell me is that it's a secret.

As soon as the door leading outside is opened, the heat hits us like a wave. A happy smile crosses my face and I sigh a little. The hot weather has always been my favorite since I get cold way to easily. I let Jae Ki lead the way as we walk down the sidewalk. I can't help but look around and we walk. There are skyscrapers everywhere. Seeing as we're in Seoul it's expected, but seeing it in person is way different than reading or hearing about it. It's incredible.

Jae Ki leads me up and down stairs, through alleyways, and down busy streets before we finally stop in front of a food cart. I'm to busy looking around to pay attention to what's going on.

"Here. Try this." Jae Ki hands me some kind of fried food on a stick.

I take a bite. "Mmmm, this is good! What is it?"

"Fried squid on a stick. Also known as a squid lollipop."

I then quickly hold it out at an arms length and examine it. I hadn't even noticed the shape of what I was eating. I just shrug and take another bite. Judging by the look on Jae Ki's face, my reaction must have surprised him. 

"Oh come on. I'm open to trying new things. Anywhere else you want to take me?"

I probably should have waited and asked that question. As soon as it left me mouth, Jae Ki turned on his  heel and started walking off. My squid lollipop flops all over the place as I try catching up. When I do, he steals the squid and takes a bite off of it and then hands it back. I just met the guy yesterday and he's already eating after me. I can tell he's going to be a pretty great friend.

As the day wears down, Jae Ki and I finish off the day with walking around in a park by the Han river. Today besides the fried squid cart, he took me to his favorite ice cream parlor, favorite clothing and shoe stores, a place that has rice cake covered fruit, and a popular cafe. Since I'm taller than the average person, I only bought a few shirts and a skirt.

The sun begins to set as we finally head back to our apartments. For it being my first full day in Korea, I have to say it was probably the best I could have asked for.

"Why are you just now moving here if you're going to be an English teacher?" Jae Ki asks suddenly.

I explain to him that the last English teacher had to abruptly leave after the school year had barely started and hence opened a position that I took. Since the school years is different than the one in America and a few other countries, it's already been a half year of school here. 

"It'll be hard to start off not knowing where the students left off, but I'll manage."

"Ahh okay. Wonder why the last one left?" He asks and opens the door for me when we reach the apartment building.

"I have no clue. All I know is that I got a job and that's pretty great."

Just like the previous day, Jae Ki walks me to my apartment before heading off to his own. Right before leaving, he made sure to exchange numbers and tell me that he'll stop by after work tomorrow. I try telling him that it's not necessary, but he just leaves after saying goodbye.

As I close the door behind me, I slip off my shoes and pad upstairs to my room, taking my shoes with me. It makes it easier for me to have my shoes laid out with an outfit to see how it looks. I let out a sigh of relief as I plop down on my bed. Having been on my feet almost all day it feels great to be able to sit down. I slightly massage my feet before getting back up to take a shower.

After showering, I slightly dry my hair and head back to my room. Out of an old habit, I always take my things to and from the bathroom, but never leave anything behind. Even my toothbrush. 

As I pass the first bedroom, I get that feeling again. I just shake it off and quickly put my things away. I then climb into bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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