Chapter 2

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*A/N-the language spoken by characters from now on will be Korean unless stated otherwise*

"Wendy! Wake up! The plane landed."

"Huh?" I sit up and look around. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep. Jae Ki has already stood up and grabbed his bags. I pull my bag out from under the seat and then get my carry-on.

Jae Ki waits for me outside in the gate and we walk together to the luggage claim, since I have no idea where I'm going. We walk for what seems a long time before we finally reach the baggage claim for our gate. Suitcases have already stated going around the carousel and I try to find my baby blue one.

Jae Ki manages to find his small black bag before I find mine. Hoisting it over the edge, I stack my smaller bag on top to make lugging all of my things around easier. I find Jae Ki again and walk over to him, slightly struggling with my luggage. I guess I'm making faces or look really funny since Jae Ki looks like he's struggling to not laugh.

"What?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, he bursts out laughing.

"Would you like some help? It appears you're struggling a bit."

I stick my tongue out at him. "I don't know. Are you going to laugh again?"

"Maybe." He takes my carry-on bag and starts to walk away with it.

"Yah! Jae Ki! Where are you going?"

"To get a taxi?" He says more like a question.

I quickly start to follow him. "You don't even know where I live though."

"I can get a taxi for a friend, can't I? Where do you live, by the way?" I pull out a paper with my building and address on it. "I live here too! Just a floor above you though. Now we can just take a taxi together."

I laugh and thank him. He hails a taxi and we pile the luggage in the trunk before getting in. Jae Ki gives the driver the address and heads out into the traffic. The ride takes roughly an hour so I'm glad I had someone to talk to. When the taxi pulls up in front of the building, I try paying for the fare, but Jae Ki beats me to it. We get our luggage out and head inside the building.

I pull out the slip of paper again to check my address. Apartment 4 on floor 14. Jae Ki shows me the elevator and pokes the button for the 14th floor. The door dings and we both walk out. Having prior knowledge to the door lock system, I check the paper again to look for the code. When I find my apartment, I punch in the code and open the door. Pushing my luggage in through the door first, I motion for Jae Ki to follow.

I have no clue where the light switch is so I settle on taking my shoes off in the dark. Light suddenly floods the apartment and I look around. It's nice and neat and appears that no one else lives here yet.

"Want me to show you how everything works?" Jae Ki asks. "Since you couldn't even find the light switches."

I slightly rolls my eyes but tell him yes. His apartment has a similar layout to mine so he shows me how to use everything from the floor heaters to even the door camera system. Once his mini tour is over, he says he has to leave, but will come over tomorrow morning. I thank him for all of his help and he leaves.

As soon as the door is completely shut behind him, I start dancing around in the living room. I've finally done it. Four long years of college and a bit of convincing, but I'm here. I let out a little squeal and look around some more. Since Jae Ki didn't really show me around upstairs, I go and explore. I walk up the stairs and take everything in.

Right off of the stairs, there's a small sitting area with a tv and to the left there's a bathroom. To the right are the two bedrooms. Obviously not very interested in the bathrooms, I walk over towards the bedrooms. As I walk, I smell a slight scent of men's cologne. The scent gets stronger as I walk towards the first door. I try to twist and pull on the handle, but it's locked. I frown and wonder if someone else actually lives here. I shrug and move to the next room. This time, the door it unlocked.

I walk inside and turn the light on. The room is slightly larger than what I was expecting. There's a bed, a moderate sized closet, a small dresser, a few empty shelves on the wall, and a medium sized desk. Satisfied with the room, I walk back downstairs to get my luggage. After successfully getting my smaller luggage upstairs, I face the baby blue suitcase. I know there's no way I can carry it up. I pull it over to the stairs.

An idea then pops into my head and I grab the suitcase with both hands and turn around backwards. If I can't carry it, I might as well just pull it up. The process takes quite a bit of time and energy but I finally get it up the stairs and into my room. I  flop down onto the bed and pull out my phone to check the time. 11:37 pm. I let out a sigh. I still have to unpack all of my bags.

I push myself out of bed and hoist my stuff onto the bed. I unzip everything and start to unpack. After arranging the closet into color order, it's already well into midnight. Being to lazy to put my shoes downstairs, I just leave them in my suitcase and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

I had just turned the water off when I swear I hear a door close and then footsteps. I slightly shake my head and remind myself that I'm alone.

When I finish, I head back to my room. I stop in front of the locked door again. I test to see if the door opens. Still locked. The smell of cologne is stronger than earlier but I decide it's just my imagination. I go into my own room and hop into bed. I quickly fall asleep after turning off the light.

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