chapter 18- fights and alphas

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A/N bit of violence in this scene.

The fight hadn't caused to much damage, aside from a few cuts and bruises. A Spinetail was fighting against a dark coloured Skyshock, two cubs were behind her cowering against the side of the great hall.

'Back off Skyshock.' She hissed flaring her wings up to appear bigger.

The Skyshock towered over her slightly 'No Spinetail, not until your little cubs pay for what they did'

'They did nothing wrong,' She defended 'They apologized, they did not know you were there.'

'I don't care, they will pay even if i have to get through you to do it.' The Skyshock lunged after sending out a shot of lightning. The Spinetail just dodged but not without a gash across her wing. She screeched sending out a wave of spines.

The Skyshock dodged and was going to lung again when Toothless knocked him back with a plasma blast.

'What is going on here' He said loudly looking at the two Dragons.

'Those kedo's attacked me' The Skyshock said pointing a wing at the two small Spinetail's. Toothless got a good look at him, his scales were a blue-black and glistened slightly under the sun; a faded red scar ran behind his left eye to the base of his head spikes.

'They did not mean to alpha, my little ones were playing a game and accidently hit him.' The Spinetail told.

'And did they apologize?' Toothless asked.

'Yes they did, but he would not have it.' She hissed glaring at the Skyshock.

'There you go they apologized.' Toothless calmly said looking pointedly at the Skyshock.

'That will not do.' He growled.

Toothless cut him off 'Thats enough. What is your name Skyshock?'

'My name is Spike.' He said darkly.

'Well Spike let the matter go.'

'I will not' Spike added darkly.

'Yes you will, and you will leave berk while you're at it.' Toothless said slowly a bit of his alpha side showing. His anger started to rise at the newcomer but he could not react badly in front of his pack.

'I will not. You can not tell me what to do, you are not my alpha' Spike said slowly approaching the young alpha. Toothless took a step forward not intimidated by the larger dragon. But he did get Hiccup off his back incase he had to fight.

Then Spike drove forward and the two dragons wrestled. Toothless had him pinned in a matter of seconds despite the other dragons larger size.

He let out a plasma blast to the ground beside the Skyshock's head in warning, making the larger dragon flinch. Then Toothless hopped of after leaning back and roaring at the dragon to leave.

'My alpha will hear of this.' Spike added quickly, taking off.

'Thank you alpha.' The Spinetail said before ushering her cubs away.

Hiccup came over after the Spinetail left and scratched behind his ear plates. He turned to address his human pack leaving Toothless to scatter the crowd of dragons.

'Does this happen often?' Bluewing said approaching the Nightscale.

'Sometimes, but usually its within the pack.' Toothless replied.

'Spike was always a troublemaker, the alpha won't come here but he will send someone to check if Spike's tale is true.' Vestros added.

'You know another alpha?' Toothless tilted his head. Another alpha, Hiccup's going to love this he wondered.

'Yes he is actually our alpha though we have never seen him.'

'Why not?' Toothless could not understand how they had never seen their alpha. Even the new dragons from the battle against Drago had seen their alpha's several times.

'He lost his mate quite a few years ago. He only has his daughter now and he refuses to leave her alone or let her go out. He prefers the solitude I think.' Vestros said.

'I would like to meet him.' Toothless said suddenly.

'I don't think he would like the company.' Vestros said carefully as not to upset Toothless.

'I'm sure Hiccup would love to meet him. Almost every dragon gets along with him.'

'How will he understand about the alpha?' Vestros added. She tried to deter Toothless, she worried that the alpha may attack him for being in his territory.

'Valka will tell him.'

'Valka? But how?' Bluewing asked.

'She can understand dragons. She has lived with them for quite some years now.' Toothless said proudly about Hiccup's mother.

'Okay. If you can get the humans to agree, I will show you to the alpha's den.' Vestros reluctantly agreed.


'Well I better be taking my leave. Crystal is having a picnic with Desira.' Bluewing said nodding goodbye in a polite gesture to Toothless.

Toothless nodded back signalling that Blue could leave.

'I will approach you tomorrow with our decision' Toothless said before leaving to tell Valka about the other alpha.

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