chapter 2- moving

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Desira woke up at the first light of dawn to find Crystal and SilverSteel already up and working. She can't tell what they are working on though... "Good morning! Watcha guys doin’?"

Crystal looked up from where she was fixing something to silver's wing. "I'm just making a splint for silversteel's wing because he kept moving it around and trying to fly. And if that happens he could damage it more"

"Ok, well... I don't know what to do now...:"

"How about we explore the island?" Crystal replied to Desira. She finished tying silver's wing and picked him up.

'BUT THERE"S DRAGONS THAT COULD KILL US ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREIKING MIND?!!!!" Desira cried, grabbing Crystal by the shoulders and shaking her.

Crystal sighed. Wrestling her way out of Desira's hold she said "so, we'll be careful. How else will we get off this island?"

"Good point... But we've gotta take care of Silver too, just bare that in mind."

"I know, don't worry we'll hide him in your hood, if that's okay with you?"

She thought for a moment, "Ok, we'll see how that works. Come on, Silver." she beckons for Crystal to put him into the hood of her jacket

Crystal placed silver inside Desira's hood. The little dragon snuggled into the soft fabric as crystal stepped back and asked "there how is that?”

"He seems alright." she looked towards the forest, "So, where do we start?"

"Umm... not suurre... how about that way" crystal replied pointing to a natural path flowing through the trees.

"Well," Desira replied, "Better than nothing. Let's get goin’!"


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