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I peered over my sisters shoulder as she wrote in her journal. It read, 'I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in a place of someone you love seems a good way to go.'

"I'm sorry sister but can you sound anymore depressing?" I piped up making my sister jump from her seat. I giggled as I exited her now empty room minus the bed etc. and out the front door where my sister Bella and I are moving with our dad in Forks Washington. And to be completely honest Bella didn't want to go but I did because 1. My dad. 2. So I don't have to keep moving around with mom and my step dad Phil. And I haven't seen my dad since I was four and I miss him. After some convincing I got Bells to come with me.

Even though me and Bella are twins we don't really look like only we have the same hair color brown but mine has highlights and Im tanned whereas she's more on the paler side, no offense to her.

I hugged my mother tightly saying good bye.

"Make sure you call me every day and I just hope you like it there." She said. I chuckled.

"Mom we'll be fine." she nodded. I giggle and watched as Bella came out and hugged mom and I heard the one thing mom always tells Bella when me and her go somewhere. And I'm the younger twin.

"Look out for Ari." Bella nodded.

"You know I love you all but we have a plane to catch." Phil said. I smiled excitedly. I can't wait to see dad! I head over to the car and got in the back and soon after we were off to the airport.


I put in my earphones and looked out the window as the plane took off.

After a two hour flight we made it to Seattle and from there Forks.

I grabbed my carry on bag and slung it over my shoulder as me and Bella got off the plane. We did our thing with getting our bags and started looking around for dad. I looked around in the crowd and spotted the familiar Forks police uniform and the man who wore it. I smile widely.

"Daddy!" I yelled catching his and Bellas attention. I ran over to him dropping My bags and hugging him tightly. And yes I'm a daddy's girl. Of course He returned the hug.

"Hey Ari." He said. I pulled away from him so him and Bella to hug. I grabbed my bags and we walked to the cruiser and got in. Me in the back and Bells in the front. And soon after we were off to Forks.


"Your hair's longer." Dad said as he continues to drive. Bella looks at her hair.

"I cut it since the last time I saw you." She replied.

"Guess it grew out again. Same with yours Ariana." I nodded.

"Mmhm!" I threw my hair into a high pony.

Eventually we got to the house and we got out and grabbed our bags from the trunk. Dad helping us with them of course.


"I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom." Dad said.

"Oh right, one bathroom." Bella said. Oh goodie this will be fun getting ready in the morning. I inwardly groan. Bella takes forever in the shower! I do too sometimes but not really.

Dad set my bags down in my room.

"Thanks dad!" I said kissing his cheek. He smile lightly.

"Um I hope you like blue." He said referring to the blue bed set. I smiled.

"Still do dad." I stated. He nodded and left to room to set down Bellas things. I fell onto the bed. I sighed before standing back up and began unpacking one of my bags. I found a pair if sweatpants and threw them on an made my way under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up a hour before I usually do for school and hopped into the shower. Once I got out I got dressed into dark blue skinny jeans, my light gray All Time Low pullover sweater with my black combat boots. I made sure my hair was brushed well before I straightened it. I checked the time and it was about time to leave so I quickly pulled out my black headband from my bag and put that on plus my school bag and walked downstairs to see Bella waiting at the front door waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" She asks. I nod as we exited and I saw an old Orange truck.

"Who's truck?" I asked.

"Um, mine, dad bought it off of Billy Black and he uh says hi and Jacob Black."

"Oh, okay." I said getting into the passengers side of the truck.

"Oh um, and dad bought a jeep off of them to and they're bringing it today." I grin.

"Awesome!" I say excitedly. "I'll finally have my own car!"

"Ari you failed your drivers test remember?" Bella said pulling out of the drive way. My smile instantly fell and I leaned back into my seat and huffed.

"I can still drive though!" I slightly whined.

"Hell will break loose if you drive." I pouted at her. She rolled her eyes and slightly chuckled.

Eventually we pulled into the schools parking lot.
What do you think so far???

And tbh I don't really like twilight well I do like it but I just don't like Bella. In my opinion twilight would be better without her but hey that's just me.

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