A Desert's Better Anyway

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Aalborgs are such pricks.

Why? Because their ugly, idiotic selves labeled the first part a desert, and when it was revealed it was just a dark shrub like biome with branches and a deep, DEEP fall. It looked like you could fall for about 20 seconds before dying. That's a pretty large fall! I nearly fell too, thinking it was going to actually be a desert. Luckily though I have the LED blindfold on so I was able to notice in time and pull my foot away.

Evan was thinking all of this in his head, and it was clear from the near end statements that anybody who had the LED blindfold should lead the way, except for Evan of course. Evan was getting carried on the back by Marina while Anthony, Griffin, and Rosemary were fine since they could see through the dark better with their light colored eyes (this included Marina too). Marco and Alora on the other hand were having quite some trouble seeing, since Marco had really dark eyes that were better for the day while Alora was albino. It was dark after all but once Frankie grabbed a strap and held the flashlight under the tight strap on his head and turned it on, they would simply just follow Frankie.

"Aweee!" Alora would gush, going all dreamy eyed. "What?" Marco replied, and he'd look over to where Alora was looking. A cute green Live Fuzzball. Alora recognized this type of alien animal because it was by far the cutest. It was basically a ball of fur that was alive and walked very slowly. Frankie would look at it too, and he'd smile from how cute it was, until the flashlight shined on it and an adult female Reptoid shot STRAIGHT at the Live Fuzzball, munching on it and Alora would scream at the yellowish blood pouring out, to which the Reptoid noticed her and charged at her but Marco with his newfound confidence would kick it off the branches, leaving it to fall between a gap. Marco and the rest of the group aside from Austin and Evan winced at the splat. "Hm. Good one." Austin would nod, reluctantly approvingly since Austin didn't like the thought of Marco being strong and able to defend himself. The group would proceed, but Frankie would keep in mind to get a Live Fuzzball of his own. Maybe two so that he could have a farm of them. They were too cute to let die anyway.

The trouble didn't stop from there though. The Aalborgs were aware that what was in there was a human group, they let oxygen pass through and turned on the oxygen shields for the Reptoids. The Live Fuzzballs on the other hand were able to live with oxygen. This lead to the group being able to breathe better and not have trouble at all, but this lead to the Reptoids being more aggravated. The Aalborgs knew what they were doing, they were increasing the risks of death in this battle.

It wasn't really a battle, the group was able to avoid most Reptoids with efficiency, which pretty much pissed the Aalborgs off. They wanted to give the aliens back home a show. What they mean by a show too is that they've started recording the group during their struggle in the branches for their 'trial and traversing' show. Austin and Evan are aware of it while the other group members aren't, especially since the aliens that Austin killed for Evan after they yelled at him for being ugly are the species that direct the whole thing. They don't have an official name because most people haven't seen them and their existence is classified from almost every human outside of the government. The government just calls them the "ugly hating aliens", because they really hate ugly people, since from the day they are born they think like every superficial entertainment industry ever, always need people to look good for the cameras and be as interested in the show as possible, that's why when they were starting to see comments on their live-streamed show about how boring it was getting watching the group travel they decided to take things up a notch.

With the click of a button, the branch they were on was separating from the branches in front of them and then half of the group was cut off from Austin, Evan, Marina, Rosemary and... Anthony. It appears that Anthony and Griffin have gotten separated from each other, and once the branches reattached to where the two separated halves of each group were on the other side of the big branch room and had to find each other... The ugly hating aliens and the Aalborgs really expected this to make despair for Griffin and Anthony after watching them long enough, especially since the aliens back home watching the livestream thought of them as lovers who could never be separated. It was clear the aliens didn't know the concept of being really good best friends. Regardless though, they weren't prepared to be shocked when it only took Griffin and Anthony about 20 minutes to start going through the branches to find each other, with 20 minutes being taken because that was how long it took for Anthony to convince Austin to lead their half of the group while Frankie wasn't as entitled as Austin was. The only Aalborg director of the trial and traversing show would start to yell a bit and demand in the Aalborgian language for the ugly hating aliens to do something, but the Aalborgian leader quickly shut the director up with an intense glare, this wasn't like him, it was clear that someone in the group had his interest.

After a while, Griffin and Anthony had successfully reunited the group due to the people directing the show not doing much to stop them because of the Aalborgian leader but the Aalborgian director, secretly in a fit of rage, sent a sharp stick to be shot out at Evan while a Reptoid at the same time was getting ready to charge at Evan due to Evan being shirtless and in sight since he was on Marina's back, and Evan would look to the side shocked as he'd heard the sounds of the whoosh before he heard a stabbing sound, at first he and the group were confused and trying to look over to see if Evan was dead but he wasn't, the Reptoid had accidentally blocked the branch spear with it's body and it'd collapse on a small branch nest, and many Reptoids that were also ready to charge the group were distracted and decided to go eat the Reptoid corpse for food instead, and while the group quickly crawl-climbed away and the Reptoids feasted on the dead Reptoid's corpse the audience was at least please with that little suspenseful jumpscare but the Aalborgian Director was mad with the outcome while the Aalborgian Leader was mad with the Aalborgian Director's actions. Let's just say, the Aalborgian Leader would be giving the Aalborgian Director a proper punishment in a separate room.

The a group was getting close to the entrance to the next alien biome on the other side of the room, it said "Land of the Guardians Clouds" which was obviously another big fat lie since nobody in the history of forever on this Earth called the sky that. It was just some stupid name that they came up with because they might know a little something that humans don't. Average Aalborgians with their superiority complexes. Could it even be called that? Literally ever Aalborg was like that, so it was easy to believe the same thing Austin believed, that it was in their nature and that Aalborgs in general should be eradicated for this. Marco though Austin should be eradicated, but that was beside the point.

The group was almost there..

So darn close to the exit.

They could see the automatic flush door that matched the black walls waiting to be opened!

But as they were so close, they were so far.

They would be put to a stop as they felt movement, and the ugly hating aliens had made a suspenseful so-close-yet-so-far moment before rearranging the branches and bringing the group pretty much back to where they started, and the Reptoids weren't distracted by dead corpses this time, especially because they had been rearranged to the place that had more of them, less branches and a pool nearby of SpikeFish ready to jump out at any of the group members. Austin, who clearly angry and frustrated but managing to keep it child friendly because he wasn't the type to get a sailor's mouth under a lot of stress, would grunt and speak.


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