Since the community wanted to make it x5000 times better, we've decided to add both mini categories AND extra prizes! There will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and MAYBE a 4th place winner (depending on how many entries we get per category!) Let's begin with 1st Place.
1st Place Prizes
- A forever follow from the community, AND RachWriters
- A first-place badge
- ALL of your books featured on the community profile
- An interview with the community
- Votes on ALL chapters
- Shout-out TWICE
- A promoting pack for Social Media
- A certificate
- *OPTIONAL* You get a yearly membership to the community (Quick Note: There's only ONE way to get the membership: You have to win 1st, or 2nd place. For more information, look in the chapter 'Community Memberships')
- *OPTIONAL* We will read and vote 5+ chapters on the next book you update!
2nd Place Prizes
- A forever follow from Rachwriters AND the community
- A second-place badge
- Half of your books featured on the community profile
- An interview with the community
- Votes on 10 chapters
- Shout-out TWICE
- Certificate
- *OPTIONAL* You get a yearly membership to the community (Quick Note: There's only ONE way to get the membership: You have to win 1st, or 2nd place. For more information, look in the chapter 'Community Memberships')
3rd Place Prizes
- A forever follow from RachWriters AND the community
- A third-place badge
- three of your books featured on the community profile
- An interview with the community
- Votes on 5 chapters
- Shout-out ONCE
- Certificate

The Lighthearted Awards 2024 (JUDGING)
RandomOpen () Judging (*) Closed () Complete () (Open till Christmas) Open your heart to show the light! At The Lavender Community, we provide many prizes for everyone who wants to join! What are you waiting for? Join the 2024 lighthearted awards toda...