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Since the community wanted to make it x5000 times better, we've decided to add both mini categories AND extra prizes! There will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and MAYBE a 4th place winner (depending on how many entries we get per category!) Let's begin with 1st Place.

1st Place Prizes

- A forever follow from the community, AND RachWriters

- A first-place badge

- ALL of your books featured on the community profile

- An interview with the community

- Votes on ALL chapters

- Shout-out TWICE

- A promoting pack for Social Media

- A certificate

- *OPTIONAL* You get a yearly membership to the community (Quick Note: There's only ONE way to get the membership: You have to win 1st, or 2nd place. For more information, look in the chapter 'Community Memberships')

- *OPTIONAL* We will read and vote 5+ chapters on the next book you update!

2nd Place Prizes

- A forever follow from Rachwriters AND the community

- A second-place badge

- Half of your books featured on the community profile

- An interview with the community 

- Votes on 10 chapters

- Shout-out TWICE

- Certificate

- *OPTIONAL* You get a yearly membership to the community (Quick Note: There's only ONE way to get the membership: You have to win 1st, or 2nd place. For more information, look in the chapter 'Community Memberships')

3rd Place Prizes

- A forever follow from RachWriters AND the community

- A third-place badge

- three of your books featured on the community profile

- An interview with the community

- Votes on 5 chapters

- Shout-out ONCE

- Certificate

The Lighthearted Awards 2024 (JUDGING)Where stories live. Discover now