Chapter 3

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Mark grabbed me out of the end of the bed my my hair and threw me on the floor.

He bent down and slapped me across the face again.
Don't you ever talk to me like that again!! He hissed. I closed my eyes.
He was squeezing my shoulders,
Next thing I knew his hands were gone and I heard a huge bang.
I opened my eyes,
Taylor threw him on the floor and started beating the shit out of him.

" TAYLOR STOP! STOP! " I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He finally got off of him.
Marks nose was gushing blood and I think he has a black eyed now.

He started rolling around the floor groaning in pain.
Get. Out. Of. My. House. He groaned.
What are you talking about!? He questioned.

I'm. Kicking. You. Out.
" No please give us one more chance "

NO! NOW LEAVE! He screamed.
Taylor opened up the closet and grabbed two backpacks, he tossed me one.

Go pack your stuff.
" Fine "

I went to my room and started packing all of my clothes out of the old drawers. I had an extra bag so I used that to pack my other stuff too, I quickly headed to the bathroom to get my toothbrush and stuff.

Kirsten ran up to me.
Did you hit Mark!?!?
" Taylor did "
I tuned her out while getting my stuff so I honestly didn't hear a word she just said.

I calmly walked to Taylor's room, His bags were on his back and he was ready to go.

" Wheres Mark? "
I don't know but let's just go.
" Okay "

We both started going down the stairs.
Devon was sitting on the couch watching TV.

Are you guys leaving?
Where are you gonna stay?
That's something we will figure out.

Fine, but don't start crawling back when your hungry or tired.
We'll be fine.

We walked out and went to his old black Honda. I got in the passengers seat and he got in the drivers seat.

Cross your fingers that it won't shut down on us when I try to start it.
I crossed both of my fingers and he turned the key in the hole and the engine started running.

" Yessss " I said to myself.
-------------- hours and hours later---------------
" Taylor I'm cold "

He took one hand off of the wheel and grabbed an old blanket from the back and dropped it on me.
" Thanks "

" ... So where are we going? "
I don't know yet, just go to sleep and I will find us a place somewhere.

The sun was going down.
I wrapped my self up and started falling asleep on the corner of my seat.

Taylor's P.O.V
To be honest I have no idea where we're going.

I looked over at Tylin, she's asleep. Thank god. I can find us a place before she wakes up.

We started driving in a random neighborhood but it was really nice and fancy.

The engine started making weird noises and the car started slowing down till it made a complete stop.
" Shit!! " I hissed to my self.
Tylin started waking up.
D-Did we find a place? She mumbled.
" No, car broke down " I sighed.

We both got out and I lifted open the hood. Smoke started coming everywhere.

I started rubbing the back of my head.
" I don't know what to do "

Let's knock on someone's door, maybe they can help us. She said.
I chose a random house that we were right next to and walked to the front door step.
I rang the door bell and a few seconds later a guy with brown hair and deep blue eyes opened it. Hey, he smiled. " Hi can we have help our car broke down. " sure, whats your name.
" I'm Taylor, what's yours? "
I'm Nash

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