chapter 14- the battle part 1

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Cassidy: she walked anyway! we have to stop her!
evan: but first we need to defeat her minions!
hank: they look like slaves to me!
Katherine: whatever it's defeat them!
* they defeat the bad guys and mary jumped high*
smary: get as far from the lava pipe as you can. let's start  with a warmup round!
* the lava goes left *
*they both go to left get anyway the lava la*
peaches: phew! that was close one!
* the lava pipe is get anyway la and mary get down *
smary: let's dance. we will begin slowly..
jack: wait wha-
livia: she is going to spinning around and attacking us!
* the old 🥬 lady started spinning around and attacking them*
hank: WHOAHH! chill out old lady!
sharry: AAAHHH!
* random ass rose come out of where *
Cassidy: hold on where those roses coming from?!
livia: mary did it! if you touch it will expose!
lizzy: thank goodness I didn't touch it
*mary stopped spinning around la*
tom: hank don't!
smary:*hits him with her golden cowbar*
peaches: HANK! NOT AGAIN!!
hank: head....
* she going to spinning around again but this time she use the spikes and roses*
annie: what the hell!? she use the spikes and roses too!
livia: be careful everyone!
eric: HANK! GET UP!
hank: ow....what happened?
nick: i going to get him! hank!
peaches: NICK STOP!
* he went to save hank but the spike is come out*
Katherine: NO!
annie: oh my god what the hell Katherine is doing!?
peaches: kat! what are you doing!?
* Katherine saved hank and nick from the spikes *
nick: Katherine you saved me again....
Katherine: this 3rd time for saving your ass!
* mary stopped spinning around and she got dizzy*
livia: quick! try to turning the key in her back!
sasha: I'm going to do it! *she turning the key in her back*
smary: ugh!*hit sasha*
sasha: OWW!
Cassidy:*gasp* OH SASHA!
peaches: she hit god damm child!
* mary jumped high to back her place la*
smary: good warmup. you'll need to be faster. stronger....* use her 🎻*
* the lava pipe is coming again*
hank: ohhhh shhHITTT!!!!
* they went to down to get anyway from the lava but the lava is coming left la*
peaches: oh no! it's getting closer!
annie: peaches calm dow-* almost fall off* AAAHHHHHHH!!!!
tom: ANNIE!*grabbed her arm to save her* i got you!
annie: jeez...thanks tom...
* the lava goes up *
livia: go up now!
* they go up to get anyway from the lava la and lava is gone la*
Cassidy: finally its gone...
* mary goes down again*
smary: let's dance. a little faster...
* she spinning around again and she use the roses and ofc she attacked them*
lizzy: LOOK OUT!!!
sasha: AHHHH!!!
Tom's mind: this wrost then i thought!
livia: TOM! DONT!
*he accidentally touched the rose and exposed la*
tom: AHHH!! ugh....
tom:* trying to get up*
* mary stopped spinning around*
smary: oh...what a shame....*hit him*
tom: ughh!....
hank: TOM!!!
* she spinning around again*
Katherine: isn't she tired of hitting children or something!?
jack: i dont think so!
* mary got dizzy again*
hank: THIS FOR MY HOMIE BITCH!*turning the key in her back la*
smary: UGHH! YOU LITTLE BRAT!*kicked him*
hank: OW!
peaches: hank are you ok!?
hank: yea yea I'm fine!
* mary walked away like fashion diva and she jumped high*
smary: you are weak. you won't survive this...*use her 🎻*
hank: tom are you ok boi?
tom: y-yea....I'm fine..
* the lava goes down la*
* they goes to down from the lava but the lava goes left*
eric: it's getting closer!!!
nick: this is not good!
*they goes to left get anyway from lava but lava goes right*
Regina: this wrost then we thought!
* they goes to right get anyway from the lava and now the lava is gone la*
annie: oh my god thank god...
* mary get down la again*
smary: time for your final dance..
* she started spinning around again and she use the spikes and roses *
tom: SHIT!!!
livia: be careful mr tom or else you will ended up like others....
tom: what!?
livia: forget it what I'm said! just dont died!
* she stopped spinning around*
nick: ok i had enough of this shit!
smary:*hit him*
nick: ugh...shit...
* she spinning around again and again ofc she use the spikes and roses too*
lizzy: she went too far!
Regina: it's just hope that we will finish her off!
evan: i hope she will hit you!
Cassidy: EVAN!
evan: WHAT!?
* mary got dizzy again ofc*
Katherine:*turning the key in her back *
smary: you!...*hit her*
* mary walked anyway like fashion diva slay queen and she jumped high*
smary:*use her 🎻*
* lava is goes up*
annie: for crying loud!
* they went to up from the lava but this lava is gone la*
smary: oh. you think you've beaten me? you thought...THAT FIGHT was what you were preparing for???*evil laughs*
* the big curtains revealed scary larry is different *
tom: oh my god....
the end of chapter 14

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