Chapter 3

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Author's Note- I have never been to East Hampton, New York. I am relying completely on Google and my imagination. Enjoy.


We were currently driving on a road that is surrounded by tall trees, it is really beautiful. I notice my mom getting tense and fidgeting in her seat. We must almost be there then. I rarely ever see her nervous. It was strange to watch.

She turns around to face me saying, "Be polite when we arrive, Lily."

She only calls me Lily when she wants something from me. This must be important for her.

I don't reply.

I begin to fidget in my seat as well, becoming nervous.

What if I can't adjust to all these changes?

Then I remember Jax's words, "Life changes and you have to change with it."


I need him. Jax could always calm me down. I need his laugh to listen to, his smile to watch, and his hand to hold. I was drowning without Jax as my life jacket. I'm going into this blind, just waiting for the moment I fall, hard.

I had no one.

"We're almost there. Remember to be polite and smile." My mom reminds me.

I look out the window, as we drive up a long driveway. This area is surrounded by trees as well. It's pretty at least. It is nothing like New York City though. This place was serene and quiet, not anything like the noisy, packed city I used to live in.

We enter a clearing where a big house comes into view. The house is more huge than big. It was charming with its Victorian style build.

The car finally parks in the front and I see a man in his early forties come out of the house.

He has a suit on and is talking on a cell phone.

I watch as my mom gets out of the car without a word and walks up to the man on the phone. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and a huge smile. I've never seen her smile that big, ever. It was strange and it felt wrong to watch. The man was not my dad. The man made my mom happy. That made me sad.

"Would you like help with your bags in the trunk, miss?" I hear the driver ask me.

"No thanks, I can get them." I decline.

I don't want to get out of the car though. I'm scared. I didn't want to meet the man who helped break up a marriage.

"Do you need help getting out then?" The driver asks, clearly wanting me out.

"No. I just need a minute." I reply.

I breathe in and out, closing my eyes. You can do this, Lily.

"Life changes and you have to change with it." Jax's words remind me again.

"Time to move with the change." I mutter, opening the car door.

I get out and walk to the trunk, collecting my bags.

"There she is." I hear my mom say with annoying cheer.

The man next to my mom was not on the phone anymore. He was tall, intimidating. His hair was brown, peppered with strands of grey. The man's green eyes watched me, studying.

"Lily, say hello to Richard." My mom says, putting a hand on his shoulder.

I hate seeing this. It was wrong. Change sucks; it leaves you vulnerable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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