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It happened the first time Francis invited Gil over to his house.
It was shortly after he completed the Bad Touch Trio by befriending both the Spaniard and the Frenchman.
The three sat on the living room floor eating snacks and playing Mario kart on the GameCube.
"Kesesesese!" Gilbert laughed as he won yet another race.
"Francis?" A tiny voice said from the doorway. Gilbert ignored it at first, too hung up in the euphoria of his victory to care.
"Oui Matthieu?" Francis stood, setting his controller on the coffee table and heading toward the doorway.
"We're out of maple syrup."
"Again? Dad just picked some up."
"Yeah...well...You know me..." The voice laughed nervously. "Can you go to the store pour moi, si vous plait?"
"But Matthew, I've got friends over." Francis complained.
"And I don't drive." The tiny voice argued.
"Is this that brother I've heard so much about?" Toni asked. Gil took this chance to look behind him.
The boy he saw looked shy but strong with blonde hair and violet eyes peering through a pair of glasses. He held a stuffed bear in his arms.
"Zhis is mon frère, Matthieu." Francis introduced. The younger boy waved modestly.
"Is it okay if I leave you two to keep an eye on 'im while I'm out?"
"I'm fifteen, by, I can take care of myself." Matthew complained.
"Just keep an eye on 'im, okay."
Gilbert and Antonio nodded.
"So, Matthew, I heard chu play hockey. Are chu any good?" Antonio started up right after Francis left the house.
"I'm...well, I'm amazing...but I don't like to brag."
Antonio laughed and patted the spot beside him. "Do chu wanna come play with us, amigo?"
"Um...no thanks...I have homework to finish."
"Alright. See chu around then."
The tiny blonde nodded and turned to leave.
"I had no idea Francis had a little Bruder." Gil's eyes lingered on the doorway.
"He told me about him before chu came along. He's a year younger then us and is best friends with that Alfred kid." Antonio looked up at the giant tv screen. "Are chu gonna play this round or should I play against the computer?"
"Jou play on jour own for now. I've got to go to zhe awesome washroom." He lied.
"Mhm." Antonio started a new game, his attention already gone.
Gil stepped into the hallway, listening for Matthew's footsteps.
A song started up on the second level of the house. Gil decided to start there.
He didn't know what was driving him toward the boy, but he needed to see him. He found the room where the music was coming from and lifted his hand to knock. But he hesitated.
"Vhat are jou doing, Gil?" He asked himself.
"Near, far, wherever you are..." A voice sang out from within. Gilbert fell over in surprise, laughing to the point of not breathing.
The door flew open, revealing a scowling blonde, hairbrush in hand.
Was he...was he using that as a microphone?
"Oh...uh...hey." Gil's face turned bright red.
"What were you doing outside my bedroom?"
"I...uh...vas vondering if jou needed any help vith hour homeverk..." That seemed like a good enough excuse.
"That depends on how good you are at world history."
Wait...was he actually buying it or was he just trying to flatter him?
"I'm awesome at vorld history. Of course, I'm awesome at everyzhing..." He boasted.
Matthew chuckled. "I'm sorry about the singing, by. I just really love Celine Dion."
"I could tell."
"Are you coming in or not?"
"Whoops. Sorry, I vas distracted." Gilbert stepped into Matthew's bedroom, gaping at what he saw.
Red and white was splattered over the curtains, bedspread, and the chair in the corner. On the wall above his bed was a giant red maple leaf, enclosed in two red stripes.
"I zhought jour family vas from France." Gilbert lifted his eyebrow.
"They are. But I've always felt like my place is in Canada. It's where I belong eh?"
"Have jou ever been zhere?" He inquired.
Mattie laughed. "The funny thing is...I've never been anywhere near it. But I feel it calling for me."
"Wow. Awesome."
"You want to know what the best thing is, by?"
"Yeah. Vhat?"
"Mon mère said I could go there when I turn sixteen. I've only got nine months to go."
The passion and determination in those violet eyes made his entire being light up. He was beautiful.
The Prussian didn't know it at the time, but he was already starting to fall in love with his best friend's younger brother.

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