Chapter 5

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Celina's P.O.V
We finally made it to Hogwarts and I didn't know how to feel, i was excited but I was also extremely nervous. What if me and Alena were in different houses? What if ... "Celina stop worrying! Everything is going to be fine." Alena said to me as we walked to the boats that we ride to Hogwarts with the first years. We had already said goodbye to Harry, Ron, and Hermione because they had to ride some carriages to the castle. Me and Alena got in one of the boats with some little first years and once everyone got in, the boats started moving by themselves. It was really cool! "Cool!" Alena said. With a smile on her face and wide eyes. " I know right!" I said.
We finally saw Hogwarts! And it was amazing! Once we got out of the boats and walked up to the school, there was a strict looking woman standing at the doors to where the other kids are. "Welcome to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and a few minutes you will go into the great hall and join your class mates but before you can do that you need to be sorted into your houses, they are Gryfindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. I will be right back once we are ready for you." The woman said. She left us and all the first years out in the hall. After a few minutes she came out and Said "we're ready for you." We all filed into the great hall. It was beautiful. There was candles floating in the air and the ceiling looked like the night sky. The lady started calling some of the kids names and they sat on this stool and she put a old ripped up hat on there heads. And the hat started to talk. Then the hat yelled out which house they are going to be in, it was really cool!!

Alena's P.O.V
I was really exited that I was at Hogwarts, the place was HUGE.
I was looking at all the students and admiring the place when professor McGonagal I think her name is called my name.
"Alena" McGonagal said.
What? Why did she say my last name like all the other kids. I just shrugged it off and walked up to the front and sat on the stool. While I was walking up to the front everyone started whispering to one another. I wonder why?
When I sat down McGonagal put the hat on my head. Then the hat started talking to me. I jumped a little making some people giggle. "Ah, I was wondering when I was going to be seeing you. You are powerful yes. Really powerful. You are very brave, but you are loyal too, but you are no Hufflepuff. You are smart when you want to be, but you are no Ravenclaw either. You are sly and cunning but like I said you are very brave. So what will it be Slytherin or Gryffindor?" The hat said. "Please,Not Slytherin" I whispered. " not Slytherin? You sure you could be great, you possess your fathers powers and Slytherin will help you on your was to greatness, not Slytherin, well then it better be GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat said. The Gryffindor table cheered and I smiled, I got up from the stool to go to the table but before heading over there I looked back at Celina and smiled to her, she smiled back, I mouthed "good luck" and I walked to the table and sat down next to Harry. I turned around waiting for Celina to be sorted.

Celina's P.O.V
After Alena got sorted I got really nervous waiting for my name to be called. Finally " Celina" my name was called, and just like Alena they didn't say my last name. I wonder why?
I walked up to the stool and people all around me where whispering. I finally made it to the stool and I sat down. The lady put the hat on my head and it started talking to me. " ah, just like your sister you are very powerful. You are smart but you are also very brave and loyal, you are no Hufflepuff tho, you are sly and cunning but your bravery and brains beat that, so you are no Slytherin, you are just line your mother very smart, and brave, you also have a lot of her talents. So what will it be Ravenclaw or Gryffindor? Better be RAV.. GRYFFINDOR!" The hat said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I smile and stood up and went to the Gryffindor table. And sat next to Alena. Me and Alena hugged. After everyone was sorted Dumbledore made a speech and then the food showed up and we all dug in.
The rest of the time involved talking laughing and eating, and meeting lots of new people.
I think I am going to like it here.


The Daughters of the Sun and Moon (a Harry Potter fan-fiction)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now