0. Prologe

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The Files
(All you need to know)

{for your eyes only, necessary information on the Kira case and L himself}

After the imprisonment that light had asked for personally, the true identity of Kira was faded from all the task members minds except one. That one person was L, himself. The one man who could solve any case given to him, no matter how hard it was. L, the person who had stopped World War III at the age of eight years old, was then found by the inventor, with the alias Watari. Watari was the only person who knew L. Who truly knew him. Out of all the people who trusted L, he only trusted one person, Watari. When Watari had found L at the age of eight, he had become a father figure. Watari began raising L. He trained L to fight. He taught the already brilliant mind the boy had. They stayed in a house in England for about five years after Watari had found L. After that, they moved locations constantly. Whether it was if L wanted or if he needed to due to a case he was solving. L had his teenage phases, just like every other did, but his where... a bit different. He began sleeping less, and now Watari sometimes wondered if he slept at all. His eating habits where... abnormal. It was now getting to the point where L's entire diet was sweets or things with lots of sugar. Sometimes, L would steal simple things, only to place it back where it belonged once it was mentioned, almost as if he were testing his surroundings. L was also very compeditive. Over time, the only person that was still able to beat L was Watari. L never really grew out of being a child, if you could have called him that to begin with.  After teaching the boy, Watari opened an orphanage called Wammy's. The orphanage was special in the fact that it trained it's children to one day replace L. There are five children in the orphanage that are worth mentioning. The first was A, s/he was the first child to be trained to succeed L. S/he was a test subject. A and the others his age where prototypes and supposedly where "expected to fail." No one knew how hard you could push a child, before stress and other factors prevailed.  After being pressured to learn,  A committed suicide. No further information is known about A. The second was B, who was friend of A. After seeing A's dead body, he left Wammy's house. He was then caught many years later and sent to jail with a lifetime sentence, but that is another story for another time. The next three are a little different. N(ear) was the youngest. He was a brilliant child, had little patience for complaining. He often entertained himself with puzzles and toys. The boy had close ties with the United States, and
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M(ello), a teen with a wild temper, often fought with the younger and eventually joined a underground organization.
{the name cannot be revealed at this time}
After no more than a few weeks he had become the boss and was the one giving orders instead of receiving them. This is more than likely due to his hot-headedness, and to the fact that he killed the first boss. Some of others gladly followed him due to the fact that they actually helped Mello in the operation.
{this information has not been confirmed, as the only people able to confirm this information cannot be found at this time}
The next, Matt, followed Mello and tried to keep his friend from killing everyone. He is said to be the smartest of the three, but because of his lack of interest, he was the third in line for replacing L. He has a wide knowledge of technology, and it is even theorized that he has created a few machines that was sold. Unfortunately, because mass production wasn't possible, his ideas didn't get off the ground.

Now, the last person to talk about, is Light Yagami. A common high school student, with the exception that he is at the top of his class. After being contacted by L in person, he became the main, and only, suspect in the Kira investigation. After Misa was captured, Light turned himself in, to be subjected to imprisonment for as long a L felt necessary. After a few months, L had Lights father put on an act to see if he would be killed by Misa.  it is in no doubt that she was the second Kira, who could have easily killed by  seeing just a face. After that, the three of them returned to the Kira investigation building. L was to be bound to Light 24/7, and Misa was to always be under surveillance, or supervision of a member of the task force.

{end of provided information}

This was just to summary of what I know about Death Note and inform others. This is mostly actual background knowledge that took a small while to learn. Some of it is what would likely be possible, like Matt's inventions. If any information is incorrect, please tell me.
I hoped you liked it! Thank you for reading!!!

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