Chapter 55: Never-Ending Madness

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Suddenly, Alex feels the airship rapidly change direction. "Looks like Zidane took over and changed the destination from Alexandria to Lindblum. He's flying straight toward South Gate, the massive round gate large enough for multiple airships to pass through at the same time."

As far as Alex remembers, the gate can close relatively quickly. Since the mist in Gaia limits the maximum height airships can fly at, this gate is capable of stopping any unwanted airships from passing through.

Alex walks toward the captain's cabin and, as expected, sees the obvious: Steiner and Zidane are arguing. Steiner looks ready to hit him, while Zidane dangles from the ceiling by his tail, mocking the furious captain.

"Some things never change," Alex thinks.

Suddenly, a large group of black mages enters the cabin, silently watching Steiner and Zidane.

Steiner desperately tries to explain what's going on, but the black mages show no reaction to his feeble attempts.

For reasons unknown, they suddenly leave and head toward the front deck, as if sensing something. Alex joins Zidane and Steiner in the cabin, wanting a better view of what he expects to happen next.

Once inside, Alex spots it: a large black mage, as formidable looking as Black Waltz No. 2, perhaps even more terrifying, wielding a mighty staff. It lands right in front of Vivi and Garnet on the front deck of the cargo ship, attacking Vivi with a powerful lightning spell that sends shock waves through the air.

The group of black mages strangely allows Vivi and Garnet to retreat while they try to fight off the attacker with fire spells.

What follows can only be described as a massacre. From the pilot's cabin at the back of the airship, Alex and the rest of the group witness the spell-slinging battle unfold.

Black Waltz No. 3 unleashes a devastating assault, bombarding the black mages with thunder spells. One by one, they fall off the airship. His spells are abnormally powerful, though somewhat unfocused and unstable, hitting parts of the cargo—giant barrels filled with crates of black mages, stored on the left and right sides of the cargo ship rather than inside the main hull. Since the cargo consists only of these barrels, Black Waltz No. 3 essentially eradicates every black mage on board, except for Vivi. Now, only the group of five and Black Waltz No. 3 remain on the ship.

"This guy is insane!" Alex yells, unable to contain his shock. Knowing what Black Waltz No. 3 is capable of is one thing, but witnessing it firsthand is another. In mere seconds, he slaughtered dozens of black mages.

Vivi storms outside, screaming, showing real emotion for the first time. Alex can practically feel the rage emanating from him. "He's out for revenge. We need to help him," he says.

"Master Vivi, I shall assist you!" Steiner follows up, ready to back him up.

Alex leaves the cabin as well, deciding to let Zidane handle giving Garnet the order to keep the ship on course toward South Gate.

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