Chapter 7 The Awakening 1/3

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Here's chapter 7. Chapter 7/8/9 are all of the same topic. The Awakening of the Darkness.


 "Hello I'm Master Vile." The man said. He wore a red tie and was in a tuxedo. "Master Vile," was currently an Asian American man who had giant black marbles for eyes, and had long black hair which fell down under his shoulders.

Zedd looked blankly as his and "Master Vile's" eyes met. "Can I help you?"

Zedd backed away nervously as his jaws had dropped. Master Vile. One of the most diabolical creatures in the universe. It was his old wife, Rita Repulsa's dad. He almost managed to destroy the world when he reversed time with an object call the "Orb of Doom," and rendered the Power Rangers useless. The police couldn't do anything about him, they were just powerless civilians with authority. If backup hadn't come from the faraway planet of Aquitar, Master Vile had won. But Zedd knew that this man couldn't be Master Vile. Master Vile was not an Asian American man. He didn't wear human attire. And Zedd was pretty sure that Master Vile had died twelve years ago in the Countdown, where all evil at that time was obliterated. The only possible way if this man could be Master Vile was if Zordon had given him a second chance. Not all villains were obliterated in the Countdown, some had been given second chances to live in this world walking alongside a form of justice. Zedd had done that. He was grateful for his second chance and accepted it. But Master Vile? Why him?

"As a matter of fact, you can help me Zedd." The man continued, "If you would ever so kindly hand me the Z-Staff."

The Z-Staff was an ancient artifact from the old planet of Eltar. It had been used as Zedd's magical weapon before the Countdown. The Countdown should've destroyed the Staff, for it destroyed anything evil. But the Staff wasn't evil. It was neutral, forged in the forges of Eltar by the wisest of sages. The identity of the Staff could be determined by it's master. If the master was evil the staff was evil, if the master was good, the staff was good. The Z-Staff rested in Zedd's new house in Angel Grove, at Spruce Grove Street 123, at the far drawer of his basement. Zedd couldn't give this man the staff, especially if the man was really who he said he is.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," Zedd replied calmly as he could.

"So, that's how it's going to be," Master Vile chuckled. Then Master Vile's leg came swinging across the air. Zedd instinctively blocked it with his left hand, and blasted a punch with his right hand. Master Vile just waved the punch away.

Master Vile then jabbed at Zedd, but Zedd managed to knock the punches away with a tornado kick.

"So, I see your skills aren't so rusty after milennias, I believe." Master Vile said, "I was beginning to like the new look I gave you, but of course Zordon had to make you uglier."

Zedd knew exactly what Master Vile was talking about. He remebered, he was once an Eltarian human milennias ago, but Master Vile manipulated Zedd, and turned him into a monster. Zedd's mind dug for the memory when Zedd fought alongside the council of 6. This was the first Power Rangers in the universe. Zedd had been trained through all his youth, to fight for this council. Back then you needed to be more than a teenager with attitude to be a Power Ranger.  Fortunately, Zordon had saved him, from his evil form.

Master Vile sprang up in the air and tried to kick Zedd on the head twice, with a double scissor kick. But Zedd  ducked and as he blocked the first kick.

"It doesn't have to be so hard." Master Vile panted, "Just give me the staff."

Zedd looked Vile right in his solid eyes, and said "No."

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