So excited

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   *it was felix*


"OH GOD FELIX YOU SCARED ME!!!!!" i said in fear

"why were you running from me...are you ok? You look like you seen satan" he said confused

" ok..i just had...*thinks about the secret*..uh nothing im fine" i said

"i know you anna, theres soemthing wrong, please tell me. he said in concern

" i cant, its a secret...when the time is right il ltell you" i said

" you on your period ? *troll face* he said trying to make me laugh

"OH MY GOD NOOO! " i said with a dafuq face

"sorry just asking  XD well u-." 

"sorry I HAVE TO GO..BYEEE BFF *runs away"


I dont know what happen, i felt like a demon was coming after me, and i think it was.

i Walked into the class room, shaking.

"ANNA!? u ok" angie said?

" alright....yes im sure and no i cant tell you what happen"

" well damn 0_0 " she said

*well uhh...can i come over later" angie asked

" cant i have improtant stuff to do" i said

"ok" she said

*bell rings*

My heart sunk, janet is outside....waiting for me....this is just...CRAZY I TELL YOU, ITS CRAZY!!!!

*GETS TEXT MESSAAGE* " hi anna im waiting outside, i have a pink car that says janet on it"

OH obvious is that " HEYY LOOK OVER HERE ITS JANET, IM INA PINK CARR..." Good thinking sis-.........i just called her sis. Maybe this is the connection i was feeling. it all makes sence now.

*walks outside*

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