No sleep

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  *janet stops the car* " what did you ask me??"

Anna: well i was wondering, if i could go on tour with you?

Janet: uhhh....well...i dont know..

Anna: please PLEASE please!!!!!

Janet: going on tour is hard work....i think we shouldint talk about this right now.

Anna: yeah i understand.....*makes a sad face*

Aanet: its not that i dont want you too...i just dont know how you dance and sing, plus we have bigger fish to fry.!..*janet picks up a phone call*


Janet stops talking to me and picks up a phone call, i wonder who's she talking to. Could it be katherine , or the brothers??

janet: hello?

unknown: uhh hi, im sorry i cant make it, next month. i need more time

janet:...uh but i dont think i can do that, i need to be on tour next month

unknown: well im sorry, i cant make it...

*unknown hangs up phone"

Who was that? i said confused. UHH change of plans...... maybe about the tour thing" janet said with a worried face

who..was that??" i said worried

"no one trust me" janet said with a very asureing face


We make it to her house, and im worried. i tell her to get inside and get ready for dinner, i was going to order something random. Then i thought..."omg".....shes going to find out about the family secret soon?!!!!!?

I call for Anna to get her food " ANNNNAAAA" i said to her.

" COMINGGGGG" . she comes to get her food and she goes back to her room

Now its time to think of a plan


I Finished my dinner, and i start to get sleepy.

I set up my alarm and get in bed and i dose off to sleep


i wake up, and  iget ready for school. Janet puts on a hat and drives me there

i arive at school, and tell janet goodbye. I say hi to angie and felix....but...something was off about them. they wernt talking . they looked dead inside. i went to my reguler class. And as soon as i sit down , i turn around and there was a said to me "SACRAFICE" then it ran up to me screaming"

then I woke up

"AUTHORS NOTE" hai guys i made sure to update....its really rushed so im sorry for mistakes..i will update tomrmow <3 

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