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"Daddy? Cale?" I whisper too the two men in front of my eyes not believing who they really were.

My breathing starts too get really heavy and I can feel myself falling towards the floor. I feel two arms pick me up and steady me on my feet. I look at the four eyes staring back at me and flinch away.

"Don't touch me" I shout.

"Maddie.. You need to calm down, your working yourself up over nothing" Daddy says.

I laugh "So this isn't a dream, you're actually stood right in front me"

Cale snorts and rolls his eyes "Stop being so pathetic dumb shit. Of course we're stood right in front of you and were alive"

Before I knew it my hand connects with his face. Cale, holds his cheek and tries too come at me but Daddy holds him back.

"Woah son. Don't forget this will be a big shock for her. She still believes that were meant too be dead" Daddy tells him.

"Believe? You've got too be joking me right? You're meant too be dead! I went too your fucking funerals" I scream.

Daddy lets go off Cale and walks up too me "Don't you dare talk too me like that young lady! I will not tolerate your language"

I laugh "Don't think you can come in here and play the daddy act with me. You haven't even been around. You may as well be a dead beat dad"

His face turns red and I can see him shaking. He's about too say something else when we are interrupted by another person.

"That's enough all three of you. Everyone go sit on the couch so we can discuss the properly" Mom says.

Daddy and Cale, do what she's says and sits on the sofa with her.

I roll my eyes and join them sitting on the far edge "Don't think you can play mommy act as well when you've never been around"

This time Cale speaks "I knew I should have never left you with them fuck boys. Look what they've turned you in too"

"I'm guessing that means Carter and Rider?"

He snorts "Of course it fucking does. They were meant too keep an eye on you and make sure that you didn't get in trouble. Now look at you"

"What's that meant too mean?" I seethe.

He looks me dead in the eye "Well look at yourself. You were innocent when we left you and now you've turned into a right bitch.. I don't even know who you are anymore"

A bitch? It hurt too hear but he didn't know what I was going through.

I feel myself getting angry "You don't know who I am anymore? How can you say that? You don't fucking even know me!"

He laughs "Don't know you? I've been around Maddie.. Watching you, trying too keep you out off trouble. I know of all your dramas and that fucking stalker boy"

"What do you mean you've been trying too keep me out off trouble and watching me. Stop keeping me in the shadow and give me a fucking good reason why you faked your own death!"

Daddy pipes in "Calm down Maddie and I will"

I bring my knees up too my chest and rest my head on them and wait for him too start.

Daddy clears his throat and begins "For the past few generations my family have been part of a gang. My grandfather was a leader, my dad was a leader now I'm the leader and soon enough your brother will be the leader"

"For many years we've been at war with the same rivalry gang and when you were little we gunned down a couple of their men. They wanted revenge and the only way they thought of revenge was taking you"

I lift my head up and look at him.

"Now, through our generations all of our women have only had one son. All they wanted was too have one child too take over the business and they never tried for another. Everyone knew that having a little girl would be like a ticking time bomb waiting to happen as this is how many gangs find their revenge. They steal the little girl, groom her and sell her off"

"Once we knew off the rumour off that they were going too do that too you.. We had too think of something big so that they would leave you alone. We never planned too have you Maddie, you were a surprise and we fell in love with you. We wanted you too have a normal childhood and this is were we thought off faking mine and your brothers death so it looked like there was no one else too take over the gang"

"We knew that you would be fine with Carter and Rider but obviously thought wrong. We faked our death, just so that we could keep you safe. Obviously that hasn't worked out as your now being stalked and you've fallen out with the boys. All we ever wanted too do Maddie was keep you safe"

I feel myself sobbing and I hug my knees tighter too my chest.

Cale sighs "I should have never trusted them boys. Look what they've fucking done too her"

"Why not stop?" I whisper.

Nobody answers me until my mom says something.

"They couldn't Maddie... you see, I'm the daughter off the rival gang. My daddy was in war with your grandpops.  Me and your dad just fell in love and we knew that it would create more drama but we couldn't leave each other. The only reason why they kept on fighting was too make sure that we would always be safe"

"Why come back then? Why now?" I say.

Daddy clears his throat "Because your in serious danger Maddie. Your brother made a mistake by sleeping with girlfriend off the other rivalry gang leaders son. Not only are you being stalked but we believe this could be some major war and they know that we're alive"

"So why come back here?" I ask him.

Cale clears his throat "because we need you Maddie too join us so that we known you're always safe and can take care of yourself"

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