Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV:

I rub my hands through my face once I see it's 8:07 am. "Oh shit" I curse under my breath. I guess i cried myself too sleep.. again. I get out of my bed and head straight to the bathroom.

When i'm in the bathroom I see my reflection. I notice I have a black eye which doesn't really seem to notice but it's there. It hurts a lot. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and put on some gray sweatpants, and a 'who ate my donut' hoodie. I don't feel like getting all dressy today. I go back in the bathroom and put my hair in a bun. I put a little bit of foundation and concealer to try and hide the black eye and bruise on my lip which I just noticed. The makeup didn't really seem to hide it well enough but I tried. I grab my phone rush downstairs get my bookbag and run out the door.


Before I enter the school I put my hoodie over my head. I'm going to try and hide from Shawn and Mia if I actually see them again.

"Jess!" I hear someone call my name and by the voice I can tell it's Shawn. I decide to ignore him and pick up my speed but he catches up to me.

"Hey" he smiles. I just look down so he wont see the bruises I have on my face.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok? You had to go pretty early yeste-" I stop him.

"Um yeah everything's fine but i gotta go now." And with that I get out of his sight.


It's time for lunch but I don't feel like eating I just want to be in a quiet place. I'm just going to go too the school's library. When I enter I sit down by one of the many couches. I don't really have the energy to read right now so i'm just gonna stay sitting.

I see someone walk through the door and notice it's Shawn. I put my head down so he won't recongnize me but he did. "Uh, hey"

"Hey" I said in a more whisper tone.

"What's wrong?" He sounds.. concerned? Why would he be concerned, especially for someone like me. I stay quiet until he lifts my chin up making me face him. He clenches his jaw.

"Who do this to you?" He sounds angry. I still stay quiet. "Jess, who did this too you." He whisper yells. "Tell me" in a more commanding voice.

"I can't say anything, you don't understand Shawn. No one does." I storm out of the library and head to an empty hallway. I go up against the wall and slide down. I feel tears going down my cheek. After about three minutes I saw someone sit down next to me.

"Jess, please talk to me."

"Shawn, you don't understand.." I say trying to hold back from crying even more. It was really quiet until Shawn broke the silence.

"Jess, I know this is hard for you but you have to believe me. I promise that no one and I mean no one will hurt you.. I'm here now." He wraps his arms around me. I feel safe with him. For once in a long time I actually feel protected. But no I can't take the risk I just can't.


"Shawn, please this is really hard for me I just can't take the chance."

He sighs. "I understand. But remember i'm always here for you and I always will be." His voice is gentle.

I sigh. "If I tell you do you promise to never tell anyone. Please." I beg. He nods.

I take a deep breath. "So, yesterday after you asked me to get lunch with you I really wanted to go but.. I was late. I had to get home, he was waiting for me which made me even more scared. I was running home as fast as possible. My legs took its speed and when I got home I tried to go upstairs as quiet as I can but.." I stopped. "He saw me."

"Who?" He asked confused.

"My dad. When he saw me he started calling me a 'bitch' and how I was about fourty minutes late." I paused. "He then started to hit me with a belt and punched and slapped me which gave me the black eye and bruised lip."

"I.." He was beginning to say but I stopped him.

"I tried to make him stop but he didn't listen. He kept hitting me and I felt so alone. I felt like I was nothing. Nothing but an empty shell. He told me to never do it again 'or else'. You don't know how it feels to be all alone. To know that no one will help you when you need it." I see sympathy in his eyes, and I tried my hardest not to cry.

"I-I'm really sorry." He says.

"For what? For something that can't be stopped. For something that keeps on happening. I don't like people feeling pity for me. They always feel sorry but nothing happens, so what's the point? What's the point of anything anymore." I sniffle, and he looks down at his hands. It stays quiet between us until we hear the bell ring. He gets up and motions his hand out. I grab it and he helps me up. I start to walk away until he calls me.

"Jess.." he grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. His hugs are warm. I feel safe and secured.

"I'll always be here for you, remember that." He whispers in my ears.

"Thank you." I whisper. "I think we should go.. class is about to start." I say, he nods.

*End of the school day*

Shawn's POV:

It broke my heart when Jess told me what happend. She's such an amazing girl. Even if I've only known her for a day everything is different around her, I feel like I've known her a lifetime. She's smart, beautiful, talented and so much more, but she's hurt. She has all these broken pieces shattered on the floor and has no one to help her pick them up. But no I'm here and I'll pick up each and every single one those shattered pieces. I promised her I'll protect her and I will not break that promise. I can't break her more than she's already broken, and I know I won't.

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