Three - Control

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back to Y/N's POV, it's already the next day cause i got an idea again:

i wait, hidden in the tree, avoiding the security. i jump to another tree and manage to jump over the wall before it's put up fully, new security i guess. wait why is there a new building here? no way! they actually put dorms here?! ha! that's so stupid that it's actually smart. oh? what's that smell? is that what i think it is? HADDOCK?!?! FUCK YEAH IM STEALING IT! WOOOOOO!!!

(btw ik cats can't have seafood, i just LOVE haddock, plus all 9 of my cats eat everything except their own food)

i try to detect where it's coming from... got it.

i jump up to the wall, holding on carefully, sneaking to where the food is, when nobody is looking i snatch up the food and sneak up to the roof.

i sit down, eating. god this is good, why does nobody make this stuff more often?

alr i just wanted to add that part cause i wanted a break from the illegal content okay? okay now we are at a month or 2 later idk i'm just making stuff up at this point cause i have an idea but idk how to put it into action:

i sit on the balcony of a dorm, looking in, trying to see who's there, hmm... oh god that's bright but so shiny... so pretty... NO! SNAP OUT OF IT!

well it's not gonna be here.

i jump to another one, looking into the room again.
well the broccoli is clearly obsessed with All Might. weirdo.

i keep looking through each window that has its blinds open.

there! that's what i'm looking for. i scratch at the window by the lock, unlocking it without setting off any alarms.


i rummage through the drawers and boxes silently, frustrated.

"Huh? Who's there?"


i go into my cat form, i'm gonna have to act.


i see them sit up in their bed, okay let's make this work.


"how did you get in here..?"

... am i in the right room?

i look at them, trying to see if they're who i think they are...


it's the kid that i saw last month.

alright time for some acting.


god i hate doing this.

i jump up into their bed, still in my cat form.


they're petting me? what the hell? no no, stay in character.

"are you lost kitty?"

yeah i fucking am lost, i'm in the wrong room...


"very vocal though..."

weird human
i won't lie, pats are nice but i've got a mission right now...

that can wait, when the kid falls asleep again i'll go find it.

"you're a very pretty kitty aren't you?"



couple hours later cause why not:

kid still isn't asleep? i mean i can literally see the insomnia but still... GO TO SLEEP FOR FUCKS SAKE-

i'm gonna have to act like an actual cat then... but what if i actually fall asleep..? nothing else i can really do.

i curl up in a ball at the bottom of their bed, pretending to be asleep.

"i'll find their owner tomorrow... what time is it? oh god, it's 2am already?"

and he's still not going to sleep... maybe he's doing what i did when i was little? just all-nighters? stupid kid.

i'll have to complete my mission tomorrow, for now i need to find a way to leave, i can't reach the door in my cat form...

Alright the kids using their phone. good.

i jump down from the bed, sneaking away, hiding behind the curtains and slowly and silently nudging the door with my paw until it's open enough for me to escape.

"where'd the kitty go?"

RUN! i jump from the balcony to another one, back in my human form, my ears twitching, why can't i get rid of those ears and tail in this form? ugh who cares...

i jump down to the ground, running to the barrier and climbing up and escaping onto the hill. god the security is terrible.

i climb up into a tree, sneaking through the foliage, keeping an eye on the school to see if there's any movement

god, how did i not notice i got the wrong room?

i'm gonna need to wait till tomorrow. or maybe...

i jump over the wall, fuck it, i said i would get it today and i will.

i jump back up to the balconies, looking through each window, this time looking at the people instead of the rooms. god i'm stupid it was the 3rd one... i open the door without setting off any alarms.

going back into my cat form i sneak over to the drawers in the desk, the student is facing the wall so i should avoid disturbing them.


i bite into whatever it is, i'm taking this with me!

i place it on the floor and keep searching.

nope nope nope nope...

what the hell is a lighter doing here

well it's mine now.

i check another drawer, at the very back is what i'm looking for. i lost collar's keychain a while ago and i saw them pick it up.

i snatch it and reattach it to my collar, it is the last thing my comrade gave me. i shut the drawers.

i go back into my human form, picking up the keychain and lighter i found before leaving.

I jump up to a spot in the wall that looks climbable, sneaking through the foliage on the other side of the wall and escaping.

another Authors note ♡:

ok so i don't think i did too badly tbh, just to let you know about Y/N's profile!!! most of it is you choose btw.

allergies: dust, that's it.

Age: 17

Name: Y/N

hight: anything from 5'7ft - 6'2ft (yes they are tall in human form, whatcha gonna do about it?)

gender: doesn't really matter, later on ill make different chapters for different genders but for now it does not matter

appearance: cat ears and a cat tail, bengal cat in particular, their hair is medium-long no matter their gender, really shape fangs, y/e/c eyes, y/s/c skin hand so on.

job: they work in a car café occasionally but usually just do whatever they want.

that's all!

thanks for reading up to here, you're all amazing ♡

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